the tickets to hell - lokison

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15 year old Peter was sitting having dinner with the world mightiest heros like its was a daily normal thing , and to peter it was not only was he Spider-Man , he was also the Tony Starks personal intern , and he lived in avengers tower, so having dinner with the world mightiest heros was a daily occurrence however today wasn't so daily as thor was finally coming back from Asgard to visit earth for a while with a guest , and he  wouldn't tell them who it was but peter have had a feeling it was his dad as he had a sense something wad going to go bad all week  you see his dad is loki the god of mischief the guy who tried to take over newyork the loki witch the avengers don't particularly like and that he didn't tell them he was related to , you see peter is actually a god and definitely not 15 more like 100 years older he got sent to live on earth as a learning experienced by odin and that is one of the many reason loki wanted to rule the planet because he missed his son , you see when thor left and went on his mission for Asgard peter didn't see the harm in joining the avengers and keeping his secret safe but of course his idot of an uncle had to come visit ruining his relashonship he had made with the team of earths mightest heros meaning peter had his bag packed and ready to leave as soon as everything went to hell . Anyways the avengers and peter had just finished eating dinner when a strike of lightning and a crackle of thunder came from the balcony showing to gods in all there glory and 2 tickets to hell for peter

By Hermione ( me)
Co written and edited by my friend

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