fieldtrip - romanogers , spiderson

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Kill me now, literally kill me, I’m currently sat on a bus going on a field trip to my home, the house where my mum, dad and crazy family are waiting to embarrass me. Normally I love a good field trip but, when you dad is Captain America and your mum is Blackwidow, plus, you’re keeping your identity a secret, going on a field trip to avengers tower, then I do not like them. I guess I better just sit back and listen to ned ramble excitedly, waiting for my life to end.

When the bus pulls up outside the tower, everyone else seems even more excited, but, I’m just about to go kill myself. Standing right at the tower entrance are my parents and uncle Tony having a causal conversation, not noticing the bunch of teenagers standing there with mouths wide open with amazement at their childhood heroes (more like a bunch of idots to me, especially Tony). Of course, my luck strikes; my dad spots me and suddenly shouts, 
"Peter Benjamin Rogers why are you not at school!"
I’m guessing mum forgot to tell him about the field trip, by the look on her face, and Tony is about to piss himself laughing noticing the group of teenagers behind me. Well no point in trying to hide my identity now, Tony’s gonna have to get Pepper to sort out a press conference.
“Dad I’m on a school trip, mum was supposed to tell you and,"
I point to my class behind me,
"you just revealed my identity to a bunch of teens and, I think, the whole of New York".
I get my sass from mum. Dad just stared blankly at the teens then turned to mum, “Why didn't you stop me?"
Mum just smirked at me and dad, "Because it was funny and, I didn't want to."
Before mum and dad can have a mini sassy argument, Tony butts in and sends my school away, promising the trip will be rearranged. I tell them I’ll just be staying here.

By~ Hermione sapphire graham
Edited by ~

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