fears ~ winterwidow & spiderson

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2 years ago- In a hydra facility deep in the Arctic, a 14 year old Peter Romanov Barnes is held captive. His body infused with a mutated version of the super soldier serum his father had taken years before, Peter had seemed to been granted the abilities of a spider, and hydra had plans for Peter to follow in his father's footsteps. Only right that moment, an explosion leaves a giant hole in the side of the base, and Bucky Barnes, black widow and the avengers break Peter free, to come home to a life he never truly experienced as a child.

Present day- Peter lurches awake drenched in sweat, and with tears in his eyes tries to fall asleep again, only to be awoken by images of the hideous torture of his past. Now 16, and with his father's pride, Peter thought he could handle this alone, he was a Barnes after all. He could never go to his parents about the nightmares, he was afraid of how they'd react, understandable when Ur mother's a well trained assassin and a super soldier father with a freaking metal arm. " Peter?" Natasha called. "Are u alright?, I heard a shout". Her eyes fill up with tears as she sees her son with a blade, trying to cut, but his skin was too strong, breaking the blade in half. She launched herself at him, but rather than berate and punish him, she embraced him in a hug, motherly love. Bucky runs in soon after, sees the blade and rushes to Peter, and they all lay there embracing eachother, tears in all their eyes, a dysfunctional, but loving family, just like his mother's...

Idea by me
Written by my friend

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