Ch. 4

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Jimin thought he was day dreaming when he saw the girl standing in front of him. He completely forgot about her when he came back because he thought he'd never encounter her again.

But here she was again sitting in front of him. Jimin wondered whether smirk ever left her face or not.

"I'll assume you were too busy to text me." She said leaning slightly supporting herself on one elbow.

"You don't have to assume it and even if I wasn't busy I wouldn't text you."

"Yeah, yeah you've got a girlfriend. Oh a fiancee. I shall correct myself." And Jimin's eyes widened ready to pop out of sockets. Nobody was supposed to know that. Now that he thought about it she wasn't some ordinary person. She was on the set before, now in their company building. She had to have some big connections to approach him without getting in trouble. But right now it wasn't the time to think about it, she knew about the relationship and he had to play it cool like it didn't affect him a bit.

"Even if I hadn't one, I wouldn't contact you." She fake gasped at his comment replying "You are hurting my sentiments now."

"What's your deal? Why are you even here? Who are you?"

"Ah I see you didn't look me up on Google. Well I suggest you do as it'll be easy that way. I don't want to waste my time explaining who am I when I can do so many things in that time for example looking at you." She spoke in a boastful voice.

'Selfish and self-centered.' Jimin added two more traits to the list he had in his mind. She seemed so full of herself that it was extremely repulsive for him even though he was seeing her for second time.

"I'm Hannah Kim by the way." She continued."I should be going now. And show a little excitement Park. You look like you are about to die." Hannah said with an eternal smirk on her face.

She turned around to come near him and said in low voice " Tell Aera I said Hi. I think she really likes me. And I like her too. She's cute,exactly my type." With that she stormed out the room.

He was watching her leave while  chaos creeped deeper in his heart.
Jimin just sat there as her words rang in his ears. "Her type" she said. What did she mean by that. He kept thinking until he was interrupted by his staff and he tried to brush it off his mind.

'What he didn't know was that a storm bigger than he expected was on its way to ruin everything he had.'

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