Ch. 18

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He thought it was going to be time
of freedom now that "his wife"  wasn't here to follow him around the house or anywhere else.

Nope. He was so wrong about it. He'd be doing something fun, then suddenly girl's image lying on floor with curled body would pop in his mind and it'd ruin everything. Not that he refrained himself from enjoying his time because of it.
It'd be a moment and then would go away just like that.

On the other hand, Hannah did refrained herself from calling him because of what happened before she left. She felt so vulnerable at that time and now it bothered her because she didn't like showing her weak side to anyone let alone Jimin out of all the people. He'd definitely use it when taunting her.

How ironic it was. she wanted to give that man all the love in the world and he wasn't ready to give her a single chance.

Hannah at first was indulged in the work that she didn't had a little to no time for her own self rather than someone else.

But after the work load was a little bit reduced she tried calling Jimin but he didn't pick up and the reason was quite obvious that he didn't want to talk to her.


Sighing she looked at the city that was now lighting up, its beauty on full bloom. She always loved serenity and whenever she was in Paris this was the only place she'd be aside from her apartment.

She could feel the cool breeze tickling her skin, not too cool neither too hot. She was so engrossed in her own bubble that she didn't notice someone clearing their throat not until they spoke. "Hannah right?" The person softly inquired with a bunny smile.
"Jungkook" she recognized him.

"Yeah"  she nodded and the boy smiled again this time scrunching his nose. Adorable Hannah said to herself.

"Can I sit here?" He pointed towards the empty side of the bench she was sitting on and she simply shrugged. He took it as a yes and sat.

"I'm Jungkook." He began.

"I know."

"Oh__ I thought you might not recognize me. We only met properly once before on your wedding so it'd make sense if you didn't recognize me but you did and I appreciate that." He blabbered and Hannah just stared at him attentively. He bit his lower lip feeling intimidated noticing that he had her whole attention.

"Hyung didn't tell me he was coming here." He pouted, a hint of sadness too clear to notice.

"I'm alone here." She winced internally. The thought of asking Jungkook how Jimin was doing came to her mind but she fought the urge. It'd be awkward for the boy who knew nothing about their more awkward relationship.

"Oh__ I didn't know I thought you two were on honeymoon." He shyly said and Hannah had to laugh. This boy right here looked like someone who could beat the shit out of somebody but was feeling shy just at the mention of a honeymoon which even wasn't his own.

She laughed and Jungkook's eyes lit up seeing this beautiful sight. He took in all her features taking all the time in the world to admire the beauty she was. His heart swelled at the sight, It had been since he saw her in the bar one time before Jimin's wedding.

He could list every single detail on her face, her eyes curling up a little as she looked up while laughing, a small dimple on her left cheek, a mole on the right corner of her bottom lip, the constellation of moles in w shape on her right cheek- Cassiopeia the Queen he recognized. A Goddess Jungkook thought but soon he snapped back to reality cursing himself in the mind for even thinking something like that for his brother's wife. 

The scowl showed up on his face and Hannah suddenly got insecure thinking that he didn't like something. Oh how unaware she was.

After talking about random things, Jungkook began softly.

"Do you__ do you want to go to the fair? It's on the outskirts of the city. If you're free I'm not___." He hesitated but the answer that came pleased him.

"Yeah. I'd actually love some company right now. Let's go." Maybe this would take Jimin off her mind.

They soon were at the fair and Jungkook ran like a child seeing the beautiful fairy lights on the trees and little food stalls. Hannah just laughed at him being an overjoyed baby. He reminded him of Jimin when he'd be watching tv shows and would jump with excitement whenever the protagonist said something cheesy.

There he was again. Taking over all her thoughts.

Loving You is a Losing Game | PJMWhere stories live. Discover now