'Those were the good old days'The days of the past,
The days when you ran and screamed,
The days you risked it all.
But someday you'll tell your kids about now.
You'll show them the place you got your first kiss,
You'll tell them what got you through those repetitive days of school,
You'll play soccer with them in the place you scored your first goal.
Maybe you don't understand.
Now is the time of your 'good old days'.
Because yes, there have been bad times.
The times when you cried till your eyes felt like they were bleeding,
The ones when you regretted almost every move you've ever made,
When you could feel your heart shatter after it dropped.
But it is here,
And now,
That you're piecing together who you are.
That your filling in the blank pages.
That you're collecting the broken pieces,
And glueing them together.
You're picking yourself up and moving on.
You're living your 'good old days' today,
And everyday for all your life.
Because not everyday is good, but everyday is vital to the plot of your story.
Embrace it,
Because forever is a collection of nows.