This book is a collection of data and experiences.
Feminist love to say we are living in a patriarchy society, which there are no evidences of such in today's society.
I will be disclosing in what I've collected in the psychology of behaviors in relations.I've bracket and break down five category's in this book..
Needy homes, man worth homes, suppress homes, aggression homes, balance homes..
This book is for the main focus of men upliftment to be a man.. and why "both" genders have been getting the results they've been getting And how to shift their mindset.
by putting what I've said in action, I promise you'll see changes for both genders..
thats if you desire a stable partnership.
the five homes order
RomanceIn years of experience and relationships plus observation of human interaction, I've written this book about the psychology of Male and female behaviors in intimate relations. and why relationships is starting to have new meanings in todays culture...