For probably most of the men reading this chapter, this is going to be a familiar homes for you..
This homes is were you maybe depicted as thirsty, even without realizing your actions.
Let me explain how the needy homes is created.
The needy homes is created when the male counterpart start doing more than he's suppose to and the female counterpart start doing less or absolutely none as she's suppose to..
And this creates an imbalance home.
This is where modernism is totally being corrupt and the justification of toxic behaviors.We all are apart of nature so when nature starts to sense deviants, it start to reminding you the nature laws you most follow..
For eg. Look at nature as a chestbroad, you can do whatever you want as long as its protaining to the rules of the game.. over time the rules start be seen as expendable, which is not true.
Which leads cause and effect to accurs. Leaving a sense of discomfort in most so call "relations" because in this homes the female starts to ignore her womanly god given instincts as a woman, while the Male counterpart senses this and start to fill the role of the female that's been lacking, causing a repulsion of the female counterpart..So this is where the female counterpart start to run from the men that's being too nice, too thristy, trying too hard to get her putting the ball in her court, so now she feels needed and the Male unwanted...
without consciously knowing it,
nature is telling her he's already submitted to her and submission is apart of the woman nature not a man..Being in that state as a male is undesirable for females killing their masculinity beacause female nature already contains what your trying to offer..
A Female nature is sensitivity, gentleness, passivity, warmth nuturence, supportiveness etc...
While a Male is leadership, assertiveness, independence, courage, protection, adventurers, selfcontrol etc...
For the guys reading this am sure you can agree, one of the most attractive traits a woman can have is femininity and submissiveness..
While the females may say independence, protection and selfcontrol for men.
The fact that your a male putting out submissive and sensitivity towards a female with the same trait, you can see were repulsion may accur.
while in this new age society, most female genders is twisting what woman empowerment even means..
You see it spreading like a epidemic, Feminism is starting to be a escape goat for toxic disfuncational trends of "equality"Woman should have equal rights yes, one of the attractive features for a woman is independents.
it only starts to be a major problem when it's being twisted and manipulated turning into arrogance,With intentions to battle with the Male counterparts in their domain..
then expecting males to meet females on a feminine level.. when the plane truth is a female is not a Man and a man is not a female.Just like for men showing sensitivity and submission repels a woman.. same goes for showing masculinity repels a man..
Equality all depends.
as you have learn the traits for Male and female is different.
so for Feminists to want to stand toe to toe in a man's domain to put it simple it won't be equal..
Nor for men to stand toe to toe in a womans domain to put it simple again, it won't be equal..
thats just nature at work.back to the chestbroad, you are allow to do whatever to win the game as long as its within The laws of the game..
A woman can have masculine traits..
as a fact if your going to race with Males as a woman a masculine trait is crucial..
but remember to gain something you will lose something in return.. no matter what you gain you will lose something to obtain that gain.It's Pointless getting angry over your actions, every choice as consequences..
instead of complaining about men not being committed.
maybe you should wonder "why" they are not committed, which I'll talk more about that in the second chapter..nature as made it to be hand in hand, if one person not wanting to do his/her part but expecting the other counterpart to do his/her part.. is completely preposterous..
And will evidently cause an imbalance, no matter which way its sugar coated.The needy homes as a lust within it specifically for men..
every man as a lion inside of him a beast by birth right, raging to get out..
for men the whole world is out there to be conquer..
the thing with this homes is that the lion knows that the home is where he retreats to for strength and comfort to heal from the world.this home is very very important to him because without it he already feels like he's fail..
The Male counterpart will do anything to get a stable home because he feels without it, the fight is already over.. even if he'll resort to being more submissive to please and comfort the female counterpart more than himself, which won't work.
The female counterpart instincts will sense that and in return run from it..
Because that's not how a masculine man should behaves, and they know this by nature whether consciously or subconsciously..The needy homes does not obtain a balance home with such behavior, instead this is the home where guys is unable to find a mate..
They need a partner and to get it they are willing to discard their manhood which undeniably defeats they own purpose as a man.Let's say the Male counterpart finally gets a partner for this homes.. two outcomes can accur.
the female counterpart is aware of the Male counterpart part neediness and will use that in her personal interests..
Giving the Male counterpart is backbone his comfort to take on the world but under the manipulation of the female counterpart..
she knows that, deep down inside of her.
So forth Her respect for you is basically low.without realizing it the Male home is over dependent on that female which does not as healthy intentions from the start..
the female counterpart stays for what more she can gain from the Male.. draining he's manhood slowly till he's really nothing but a puppet, afraid to stand up for himself because of being too scared to lose her that will leave nothing but a shallow home..
if or when that female leaves which is mostly the case.. that home will be completely shattered and a very easy target for other lions to demolish..
the lion of this homes will be defenseless, without any feeling of purpose to stop it.S.D
the five homes order
RomanceIn years of experience and relationships plus observation of human interaction, I've written this book about the psychology of Male and female behaviors in intimate relations. and why relationships is starting to have new meanings in todays culture...