Mariah POV:
Ta'day...I am officially movin' out dis house. Afta yestaday...I haven't said one word ta him. Right when I hit dat front doe, I closed tha doe in his face, went upstairs and started packin'. Lil do he know I bought me place out there. Tha same day I went. When I went downstairs, Lani and NeNe was comin' out tha kitchen
Leilani: "Where you goin'?"
Me: "Back ta Miami"
Leilani: "Fa how long...?"
Me: "Fa'eva"
Leilani/Nevaeh: "Fa'eva?!"
Me: "I'm movin' there..."
Nevaeh: "And leave us hea'?!"
Me: "I can't juss do whateva NeNe. I can't juss take you and move you ta a different area. Yo daddy has sum'n' ta do wit it too ya know. You gotta get his consent. But eitha wouldn't be able ta come. Dis yo last year of high school. Ion want chu ta miss out on dat wit yo friends..."
Nevaeh: "I undastand..."
I kissed dey forehead and looked at'em
Me: "I love y'all"
Leilani/Nevaeh: "Love you, too ma"
Dey go upstairs and I go ta tha foyer. I drop my keys so I pick'em up. When I looked up, I seen our weddin' pictures
Me: "*scoffs* Happily eva afta my ass"
I walked out and got in tha Escalade. Tha only person comin' wit me is Paris. She stayed wit Sheila yestaday cuz she knows what's goin' on. When I ring tha doorbell, August answers. He moves outta tha way and I walk in
Travis: "MeMe!"
Me: "Trav!"
He hugged me and I hugged back
Me: "I can't breath!"
Travis: "*laughs* My bad. You're juss so small I couldn't help it"
JT: "Wassup MeMe!"
Me: "Wassup JT!"
He hugged me and I hugged back
Me: "Nigga you huggin' tighter than Trav!"
JT: "My bad" He said laughin'
Travis: "On a serious note. I needa talk ta you"
I say OK and we go outside on tha patio. Fa it ta be September, it's still hot as hell
Travis: "Why you movin' all tha way ta Miami?"
Me: "Ta get away. If I stay. Imma juss get even moe pissed. Na...I literally can't even look at him. I didn't marry dis August. I married a faithful, truthful August"
Travis: "But he fucked up plenty times befoe...and what did you do?"
I didn't answer. I juss looked at my hand. He covered it and I looked at him. Ugh! Why tha fuck do dey look alike?!
Travis: "Answer me"
Me: "I took him back"
Travis: "And what else?"
Me: "Fa'gave him"
My voice was startin' ta crack but I cleared my throat
Travis: "And dis is different becauuuse...?"
Me: "A bitch got pregnant. Dats why it's different..."
Travis: "Tha last time sum'n' like dis were gonna stay. And na you wanna go?"
Me: "Did he put chu up ta dis?"
Travis: "No. I walked in on his conversation wit our mama. Sat. And listened. Juss like you're pissed. He pissed. Matta fact...y'all finna talk. I ain't finna lose my sista-in-law ova a hoe who wants his money"
He walked in tha house and I juss shook my head. Afta three minutes, I heard tha doe. I turn around and it's August. He closes tha doe and stands besides me wit his hands in his pocket. We not even makin' eye contact...
August: "You hate me don't chu?"
Me: "Yup. A lot actually. Er'thang we had, includin' done."
August: "So there's no chance of you gettin' ova it?"
Me: "No. You fucked tha bitch dat hates me. And na...she's pregnant"
August: "And you fucked my homeboy. Tha same night you went ta Miami"
Me: "And you had tha nerve ta ask me if Imma get ova dis? Well you know what. We both got some shit we won't get ova. So you can deal wit yo issue. And I'll deal wit mine"
I walked off and went in tha house. I walked in tha kitchen and Sheila was tha only in there. She handed me Paris and looked at me
Sheila: "Didn't work?"
I juss shook my head and fa some reason. I couldn't control my emotions and tears juss started comin' down. She hugged me and handed me a tissue
Sheila: "Ta'getha or not. You will always be my daughter. And nun will changed dat"
Me: "And you'll always be my mama. Nun will change dat"
She kissed Paris cheek and hugged me and I hugged back. Travis and JT hugged me and I hugged back and left. My life...will fa'eva be changed...
August POV:
DIS IS FUCKED UP! Frfr. I basically juss lost er'thang. Yestaday I made Draya take dat test again. Cuz two hours is a long damn time. I went back there my damn self and watched ha take dis test. And she's really pregnant! I came outside ta talk ta cut short. Some niggas don't get in dey feelin's bout shit like dis. Well I am. My family's broken up
Travis: "Aug"
Me: "It's ova and done. Nun or nobody can fix dis. Down tha drain it goes"
Travis: "So it's dat easy na? You juss gon' let ha slip through yo fingas like dat?"
Me: "No Trav it ain't easy. And how can I let sum'n' slip through my fingas when she was already gone? Dats impossible..."
Travis: "You make it seem possible. In all honesty. If I was you...I wouldn't let ha go. Fa one, she's a beautiful female..."
I juss looked at him
Me: "Dats what Chris tol' me one day. And you know what happen? Dey ended up fuckin'"
Travis: "I ain't gon' cross dat line. But I'm juss sayin'. Second, y'all got four kids. And one was born a month ago"
Me: "I know dat"
Travis: "Third reason...y'all love each otha. And tha final reason. Y'all been ta hell and back. There's a lot of shit y'all been through dat only I know about. She stuck around fa dat shit too. Y'all wanted er'thang. Family. Happy marriage. Tha bond. And you got what chu wanted. And you lettin' ha go. 18 years gone..."
Me: "18 years. New record fa me. It was great while it lasted, Trav"
Travis: "Imma let chu know na. You gonna wish you tried harda. Na if dis is me talkin' ta you. Juss imagine what Mel would say..."
He walked back in tha house and I juss rub my hand ova my head and face. Mel would punch tha fuck outta me right na. fucked up right na
Update!Short ik but I have my reasons why
I wanna know how y'all feel...
Trav was lowkey goin' in on Aug
But yup! Til tomorrow...
Prolly some errors. Oops
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Instant Love V: The Finale {Pentalogy: August Alsina Story}
FanfikceContinued from Instant Love IV: Blessings All Rights Reserved to ChristinaLaNise ©2015