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An eighteen-old boy rises out of bed and gets dressed in a school uniform. He made his way down to the kitchen to make breakfast for himself but heading down he looked to the clock in his room the time read 0430. . As he was making he looked out the kitchen window he saw the picture in the window seal and smiled at the picture. He finished making his breakfast and was looking at the newspaper. It read “Another person goes missing, the count has now risen to 20 missing people.” ‘Seems like I’ll have to do some hunting again.’ Boy, he got up and put his dishes in the sink and headed out to find the missing person.

Two Hours Later

The boy found his way to an old abandoned house. ‘Careful in there, partner, try not to draw any attention to ourselves.’ Voice, The boy only nodded his head and walked into the house. As soon as he stepped in the house he was hit by a rotting smell. The boy heard a noise above him, he looked up to see a whole in the ceiling with a pair of torn blood stained clothes. He jumped up and grabbed the clothes. He smelled them. 'These are a week old.' Boy, there was a creek on the floor behind him, he turned his head slightly. "Well, it looks like I don't have to go out to get my next meal." Stray, it charged at the boy who swiftly grabbed him by the neck. "Where is your latest victim?" Boy, the stray strangled in his grasp. "She is already dead, I devoured her as soon as I got back here. What are you going to-." Stray, his throat was crushed before he could finish. 'I'm going to be late for my first day, God damn it.' Boy, he made his way out of the house, but he stopped when he noticed a small presence starting to arrive in the house. He started to run from the house as the presence was getting larger.

Rias pov

As soon as they got to their destination she noticed that the stray was already dead and a fleeing person from the window. "Seems like another one has been dealt with before we could get them, President." Akeno, Rias scrunched her face in annoyance. "It would seem so but this time I feel like we are getting close to whoever is doing this. Let's return to the school." Rias, In a red light they left the house.

Third pov Two hours 

'Damn I'm going to be in so much trouble for being late.' Boy , as he approached the school gates he saw two people waiting there for him. "Care to explain why you are two hours late on your first day, Typhion." Sona, the boy lowered his head in an apologetic bow. "Forgive me Student Council President, I didn't mean to be so late. I missed my train to get here." Typhion, "Come with us so we get you, your schedule." Sona, Typhion follows Sona and the person with her. As they were walking he noticed that Sona was taking small glances at him. 'I'm getting a small sense of dragon energy coming from this person. I must inform Rias.' Sona, 

One Hour Later Sona POV

After getting Typhion his schedule and tour of the school she went to meet with Rias. "Hello Sona," Rias. "Hello Rias." "So I have some news about that stray that has been avoiding us." Risa, "Really what happened?" "Good and bad." "What's the bad news?" "We weren't the ones to kill him." Rias, I looked at Rias with shock but composed myself. "So he's been taken care of." "Yes he has but I have a feeling I may know who he is." Rias, "That's what I want to talk to you about the new student. When I was walking him to the student council office, I sensed a small amount of draconic energy coming from him." Rias was a little shocked but remained composed. "Did he seem like a threat to you" Rias, "Not that I know of nut we should perceive him as one." "I will send some on to trail him." Rias, She summoned a communication circle. "Koneko, I have a new assignment for you." Rias, "Yes, President." Koneko, "I want you to follow this new student for a bit and see what he is capable of and what he is doing here in our territory." Rias, "Sure thing president. And what of my current assignment?" Koneko, " Kiba will take over for you until we make contact with him or something happens." Rias, "Understood." Koneko, Rias closed the circle. 

End of the school day Typhion's point of view

'School is so boring, why do I have to go.' 'Because you don't know if you will find a lead on them or not, and your parents still wanted you to go as well, and besides you might make some new allies or even friends.' Voice 1. 'Sure whatever you say.' 'You need new friends Mr. Lonely.' Voice 2, I scrunch my face in anger. 'You know what-.' 'Seems you're being followed, I say we fight em.' Voice 2, 'No brother we don't know if they mean harm or not. Let's ask them what they want. It'd be bad to engage in a fight out in public and she doesn't seem like a threat to us.' Voice 1, The second voice only grumps in response and goes quiet. I start to run to find a hidden place to confront the tailor. 'Ah this will do.' I turn down an empty street and use wind magic to get to the rooftop to get a better vantage point. The tailor rounds the corner, I jump down behind her.

3rd person

Koneko runs faster after she sees him start running and she turns the same corner. "Where did he go?" Koneko, She hears a person land behind her, and turns around, an gets in a defensive stance. "If I wanted to hurt you I would have done so when I noticed you tailing me." Typhion, Koneko feels the dragon aura coming from the person in front of her. “How long did you notice me tailing you?” Koneko, "Since I left the school yard, but I'll ask little devil, why are you following me?" Typhion,

Author's notes

I hope you enjoy the revised first chapter. The first time writing this chapter I rushed through it and didn’t put much thought into it, so I decided to rewrite all the chapters that I’ve done and will continue to write the rest of the story. To clarify, I am using just characters' names after they talk and think because I feel like it would break up the story too much if I put ‘he said’. Criticism is always welcome, if there is anything I can improve on, feel free to write it. 

"Hi" regular talking
"Hi" dragon or other creatures talking
'Hi' talking with someone in head space
'Hi' thinking to themselves
Hi change of time or pov
'Hi' Tv or newspaper
Hi.” memory

Typhion Yoidcaith is 18 with crimson red with silver streaked hair and silver blue eyes with a height of 6’6”. His voice is David Sobolov (Arbiter-Halo wars). His appearance is a very tall and muscular young man, has a notable scare on his right side of his face with 4 scratch marks that was burned, long crimson red hair with silver streaks that goes to the middle of his back along with two shoulder-length bangs and two and has chin-length bangs on the side of his head his hair is tied back into a ponytail that lays flat against his back that goes to his shoulders and has a slight mustache and goatee and has a birthmark on his left shoulder of a dragon encircling itself. His wings are a combination of devil and dragon wings that have fused when he was born with a symbol on the inside of his wings. His wing color is a red membrane with silver arm scales.

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