The Arrogant Phenex

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Third POV

"Typhion you said you could help so take my virginity please." Rias, "Rias your not thinking straight you don't want to do it with me I am not someone you are in love with, I don't want to take that away from you or your future mate." Typhion, "I don't care just do it for me as a friend." Rias, "I'm honored that you say me but Rais, this is not the right way there must be another way." Typhion, Typhion gets backed into a corner with Rias in front of him with half of her clothes off but then there is a bright light. "Really Rias with a low life human, Sirzechs would be disappointed in you." Sliver haired woman, "Wait a minute who are you and who is this Sirzechs guy?" Typhion, "This is my brother's queen and wife Grayfia, and my brother is one of the leaders of the devil race." Rias, "Well that would've been great info to have you being the sister of a devil leader." Typhion, "Enough of this, why are you with a human Rias and you know you can't get out of this wedding." Grayfia, "First off I'm not a human and second why is this wedding so dam important?" Typhion, Rias starts to put her clothes back on." "Our race is dying and we need to keep the pure blooded devil's alive with the recantations we have with the evil pieces." Grayfia, "I could see that but why not let Rias marry someone she is in love with and not be stuck in an unloving marriage." Typhion, "Why would you want to concern yourself with our affairs, and also my I ask the name of the person who Rias choose to almost break our agreement with." Grayfia, "The name is Typhion Yoidcaith and I am a friend Rias." Typhion, "Well Typhion it's great to make your acquaintance." Grayfia, Rias taps Typhion's shoulder and he turns to face her. "I'm sorry I was forcing myself upon you, I know you and Stella are in love but I wasn't in my right mind." Rias, "It's alright but what do we do now?" Typhion, "We will have a meeting with Rias's peerage, you and Sir Riser." Grayfia, "I will summon the others." Rias, Rias leaves to grab the others to bring to the meeting.

30 minutes later
Typhion's POV

"Now that everyone is here we will speak about what is going to happen in this meeting." Grayfia, "Who is she, and why is she here?" Issei, "That is lady Grayfia, queen of Rias's brother Sirzechs." Akeno, "She is here because Rias is suppose to marry someone." "President is getting married and you mentioned to tell us." Issei, "I just found out as well so don't blame her, she is being force to." "Oh, so what are we waiting for?" Issei, "Waiting for Rias's fiance." Grayfia, As she finished speaking a bright light and flames erupted in a corner of the club room. "Riser as arrived in the human realm, I have come to see you my beloved Rias." Riser, "Who is this douche." Issei, "That is Lord riser Phenex, he is a pure blooded devil of noble birth, third in line of the House of Phenex and the fiance to the next head of Gremory." Grayfia, Hey guys what do you think of the situation? This may go well or not go well. Nythralma, I do like this devil, his aura just screams arrogance. Arthralma, If he makes the wrong move I will step, will you two back me up. We got your back. Arthralma and Nythralma, But let's see how this goes first. Riser was now on one of the couches and has a cup in his hand. "Typhion would you like something to drink?" Akeno, "Yes please my usual." Riser looked over towards me with some angry but said nothing. "Rias come and sit with me." Riser, Rias sits down next to him with reluctance. "The tea prepared my Rias' queen is most delicious." Riser, "Thank you for the compliment." Akeno, She walks over to me with my drink. "Here you go." Akeno, "Thank you Akeno." I face Rias and Riser and take a sip from my cup and I noticed that he is fiddling with her hair and he puts his cup down and starts to rub her thigh. Rias stands up. "That's enough Riser let it go why don't you understand, I have no intentions of ever marrying you." Rias, "But my darling, Riser believes that your family circumstances are still such that you can't afford to be so selfish." Riser, "I will not bring my family to ruin, I have no intentions of denying you your right to our name. However, let me be clear, my husband will be my choice." Rias, She turns away from Riser. "Remember, It's imperative that devils remain pure blooded we're still recovering our numbers from the last war. Both your father and Sirzechs decided on this arrangement with the future of devils in mind." Riser, "My father, my brother, and my whole clan made this decision because they are in too great of a rush. For the final time, Riser, I will not marry you." Rias, She turns around again to face Riser, he stands and grabs her chin and puts his face in her face. "For the final time, Rias Riser holds the reputation of the house of Phenex. Besmirching our good name is unacceptable." Riser, "Hey." Issei, Everyone gets in a fighting stance and Riser faces us. "Riser doesn't care if he has to incinerate everyone in this room. You will return to the underworld with me." Riser, Let's do this. I throw my cup and summon my gauntlets and use wind to push myself towards Riser with faster speed than he can react with and grab him by the throat and summon my sword and swipe it below my hip facing the floor. "If you threaten my friends then you'll have to go through me." "Unhand Riser at once you filthy human." Riser, I push him further into the war. "I don't think I will." "Let Lord Riser go at once and stand down." Grayfia, I turn to face her and the floor around her is starting to freeze. "Why would I listen to you, I don't care who you are and I will not stand here and take someone threatening my friends." "Get your hands off Riser or face the ultimate price human." I turn back to face him. "I will show you what I really am, you arrogant prick." I unfurl my wings and Riser face becomes one fear. "I am a hybrid you arrogant prick."

I was to busy looking at him that I didn't notice the new people coming into the room and felt an explosion in my back, so I dropped Riser. "Let our king go." Purple haired woman, I get blasted in the face with a fireball and get pushed back and grab my face to hold it for a few seconds and let go. "Who is this person, why is he here?" Riser, "He is a friend of Rias." Grayfia, "We said no other guests." Riser, "I know Lord Riser but he was here when I arrived here." Grayfia, Riser charges another fire ball but is stopped but Rias. "Riser stop." Rias, "He should have thought of that before putting his hands on Riser." Riser, "That will be enough, I said stand down." Grayfia, "If the strongest queen says so, I must oblige." Riser, "I came here at request of Sirzechs and he has an offer to get you out of your marriage." Grayfia, "What would that be?" Rias, "A rating game." Grayfia, Issei and Asia were confused. "What is this rating game and what does it involve?" Asia, "A Rating Game is a competition between two Devils with a peerage. The Rating Game shares many similarities with Chess, that's why we have evil pieces." Akeno, "That's very interesting." Asia comes up to me. " Are you ok?" Asia, "Yeah I'll be fine. So who are they?" I point to the people that arrived. "This is my peerage. My dear if this half breed is a friend than are those people your peerage?" Riser, "Yes they are." Rias, "Then this rating game will be easy to win, as I Riser has had many wins." Riser, "If it's a rating game to get you to stop then I will do it." Rias, I look at her. "Rias, I'm sorry to say this but even with your current members, I don't think you will win. Maybe with some good strategy you could but your out matched, let me do you a favor." "What favor would that be?" Rias, "Let me fight in your peerages' place and fight Riser and his peerage. I know it would help with your battle experience but I have been fighting my entire life." "What you can't be serious. You think you can take on 16 people all by yourself?" Riser, "Yes I do because I know my skills will be more than enough for you." "What makes you say that, half breed?" Riser, "Because I have more battle experience than Rias and I have two sacred gears."

I summon my other sacred gear. "Hello Phenex heir it's a pleasure to make your acquaintance. We are the armormention and elemental sacred gears." Nythralma and Arthralma. Riser and Grayfia looked at me in shock. "I thought those two died when they fought the Welsh and Vanishing dragons." Riser, "So I'll ask, will you accept the switch and fight me in their stead." "Riser accepts your proposal, Plus I owe you for when you grab me earlier. But let's make things interesting, let's have the event live and if I win I will marry Rias, and you will serve the Phenex family." Riser, "That's fine by me. But let's say that I win, you will never interact with Rias." "Then, it's settled, I will inform the others of this outcome." Grayfia, With the meeting done both Riser and Grayfia left. When they left Rias gave me a hug. "Thank you but why fight them all?" Rias, "Yeah why do that, why not just that Riser jerk." Issei, "I was wondering the same thing." Kiba, "Because I want to make an example of what happens when you threaten my family." "Kick his ass." Koneko, "Akeno do you know any info on any of Riser's members." "Yes I do. What kind of information do you need." Akeno, "Anything on their abilities will be great." "I'll get it to you tomorrow." Akeno, "That'd be great but I'm tried and hurting so I'm heading home see you all tomorrow." "Good night Typhion." Everyone, I go home and meet with Sateilizer in the dining room, mad.

"So why are you late and why are you holding your face?" Sateilizer, "I had a meeting with Rias and things didn't go so well and this is a small burn I'll be fine." "So what happened to cause this meeting to go bad?" Sateilizer, "It involved her and an arrogant prick named Riser. Don't be mad but she wanted me to take her virginity." "Oh but why would she want to lose her virginity?" Sateilizer, "She said that he would not want her if she was damaged. Plus she is supposed to marry him but the only way to stop it is to do what they call a rating game." "That is sad. If she was willing to go that far she must not want to marry this Riser guy." Sateilizer, "It is and to make someone get to that point is nothing but disgusting. I hate people like that, who would go to such extreme lengths." "Calm down, so what are they going to do with this rating game?." Sateilizer, "I will be fighting Riser and his peerage myself." "Ok that's great but how many of them are there?" Sateilizer, "There 16 total but it's not all bad from what I can tell most will be easy to defeat." "16 are you insane have you ever fought that many." Sateilizer, "No but I have faced opponents much stronger than them and I will not underestimate them."

Author's notes

Hope you all enjoyed this new chapter and the change I went with the story. I wanted to take the "Riser Arc" I call it in a different direction because I want the story to be different and I'm tired of some of the stories that I've read doing the same thing. In the next chapter will be preparing for the fight and the fight it self with Riser's peerage. See you all until the next chapter.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 02, 2021 ⏰

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