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The Next Day
Third pov

"Sup guys." Issei, He walks into the club room and notices some clothes hanging and grabs the bra hanging with a perverted smile. He hears water running. Issei gets hit in the back of the head. "Did you see something you like you big perver." Koneko, Issei turns around while rubbing the back of his head. "Its not what it looks like." Issei, "Hey is that my bra?" Asia, Koneko points at Issei. "He was going to put it on wear it around." Koneko, Issei shook his head vigorously. "No please don't." "It's nothing like that it just got caught on my face!" Issei, he tries putting Asia's bra back but it falls. "Oh I'm sorry I know I'm just a visitor, I really hate being in the way." Asia, Typhion walks in with Rias and Stella behind him. "Your not in the way at all its just we haven't found a place for you stay at the moment, but Rias and I are working on it." Typhion, He looks over to where Issei is standing and notices the bra. "When did you start wearing girls clothes, are cross dressing now Hyoudou." Typhion, Issei just looks down with a defeated look. "Oh another thing if we are to become stronger we should do some training in the mornings as well." Rias, Typhion nods his head in agreement. "Why in the mornings?" Issei, "To help boost your sacred gear and with the recent fallen attacks you really haven't proved to much in improvement of it." Typhion, Rias takes a seat behind her desk and Issei grabs his flier bag. "Well I'm off to pass out fliers." Issei, "Well pick you up at 5 does that sound good?" Rias, "No that's nuts, I mean that sounds fine." Issei, "So will I be involved in this training at all?" Sateilizer, Typhion looks at Stella and gives her a reassuring smile. "Not unless you want to, I wouldn't push you to hard but I think it would be best." Typhion, "Asia I think we should talk about where your going to be staying, Rias do you have any ideas." Typhion, "I mean you would gladly take her but you don't have the room, so how about Issei's?" Rias, "That doesn't sound like a bad idea but I don't know, I'm still on the fence about him." Typhion, "I enjoy him as a person but it's the pervertedness that still bothers me." Typhion, " I know how you feel about that, you are very protective of us like that." Rias, "Maybe we could help him with that during our training." Kiba, "Maybe we could, but if your ok with staying with Issei then I won't stop you." Typhion, "I'd like to stay with Issei if he'll have me." Asia, "Of course he would, but speaking of witch, let's talk about our sleeping arrangements." Rias, Asia and Typhion looked at Rias with confusion.

The Next Day
Typhion's POV

I walk up to the front door, and knock on the door. A woman answer's the door. "How can I help you?" Woman, "I'm here for Issei and Rias." "Issei, Rias some is here for you!" Woman, Issei and Rias come out of a room and we head to the park for our training. "Where is Stella?" Rias, "At the park already waiting for us." "So what do we have planned for the training?" Issei, "Mostly endurance like running other endurance exercises." "Sounds like fun." Issei, he looked tired and not ready for this. We arrive at the park. "Alrighty let's get started with a few laps around the park to get warmed up, get in line and get ready to start." We start to run and a couple of laps go by Rias and Stella have been keeping a good pace but Issei has been falling behind and I'm about to lap him. "Has anyone told you run like a girl." "I know that's what everyone has been telling me all my life, but I feel like I'm going throw up my balls, how much longer of this?" Issei, "Just two more laps come on you got this, alright if you can keep ahead of the girls then we will go somewhere to get lunch." Issei starts to pull ahead of me and pass Rias and Stella. We finish our running and Issei is dying of exhaustion. "Well done but we aren't done yet, time for some cardio exercises." We get set up for the rest of the training. "Listen not only is intelligence important but so is training your body in the devil world, because it's important to keep both in good condition." Rias, Issei was doing pushups with her on his back. "Remember the stronger you get the more powerful you get, the more powerful the more you can accomplish." Rias, "Yes ma'am." Issei, I was doing upside down crunches, I hear Issei stop doing pushups. "Don't think I know your having disgusting sexual thoughts about me." Rias, "I can't help it I'm a teenager when I get 10 feet of a hot girl, all I can think of what she looks like naked." Issei, "You would have that problem if you had a bit more sexual discipline with your sexual thoughts." "And speaking of witch where is she?" Rias, "Where is who." "Asia, she was suppose to come here, oh there she is." Rias, Asia comes running over waving. "Hey you guys I'm here, sorry I'm late." Asia, she falls face first and we all head over to were she is. "Oh no good at talking and running at the same time." Asia, Issei helps her up and we walk over to a bench. "So why are you here?" Issei, "Rias asked me if I could come." Asia, We all look over towards her. "Is that true, why would you do that?" Issei, Rias still doesn't answer. "Hey you doing ok Rias?" "I'm sorry?" Rias, "Everything ok?" Issei, "Now that everyone is here we should go." Rias, "Uhmm where are we going?" Issei, Rias smiled at Issei and Asia. " Your house of course." Rias, "Why my house?" Issei, "Just wait and see." We all arrive at Issei's house. "Who's boxes are these?" Issei, "Yeah these are all mine." Asia, "Why did you bring it here, what's going on?" Issei, I wrap my arm around Issei. "Your getting a new roommate." "Well I have to get going have fun and good luck the three of you see you tomorrow." "Bye Typhion, have a good night to the both of you." Asia, "To you as well Asia." Stella,

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