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One year later

A man walks into room with others inside. "Hello Rias, how are you this fine day and how is everyone else." Man, "I just fine, how are you Typhion." Rias, "I'm well." Kiba, "I am wonderful, would you like anything to drink Typhion." Akeno, "Fine." Koneko, "No thank you, oh and Rias do you still have your eye on that pervert." Typhion, "Yes but I'm waiting for the perfect moment, Koneko told me that he is going on his 'date' today, so I sent my familiar to meet him before the fallen strikes." Rias, "Hmmm, that is intuitive, always a couple steps ahead." Typhion, "Rias someone is summoning you." Akeno, "I have to take this summon, see in a bit everyone." Rias, 30 minutes pass by and a magic circle appears in the club room and Rias appears with a random boy. "It seems the fallen got to him." Typhion, "Yes he was killed by her but if I get him home and heal him he will be fine." Rias, "Ok enjoy your alone time with your new servant." Typhion, "Well good night everyone, take care." Typhion, Typhion left before Rias could say anything back to rebut his comment.

The Next Day
Typhion pov

"And don't forget that our regular training is tomorrow now, I'll see you at the school building later tonight." "Yes I haven't forgotten about it, and see later tonight as well." Rias, She leaves with Sona to discuss a few things. I start to head to class when I sense the aura of another dragon near by. I'll investigate that later. It is later in the day when I head to the old school building, as I'm walking in everyone is getting ready to leave. "Where you all heading?" "To help out with the newbie." Koneko, "May I join in on the fun." "Sure the more there are the better the odds right." Rias, With that said everyone teleports to the random destination. Rias attacks a man with a trench coat and a fedora with black angel wings. "What the he'll did you do you little shit, and what the hell is that?" Fallen angel male, "Keep your hands off of him!" Rias, "That red hair, did Rias come to save me." Random boy, he falls to the ground in exhaustion. "I'll teach you not to metal where you don't belong." Fallen angel male, he summons a light spear and throws it at Rias, but Koneko blocks it. She lands in front of Rias as the fallen charges. "I'm done with you!" Fallen angel male, he is stopped by a strike of lightning hits the ground caused by Akeno. She walks up next to Rias with a smile with lightning sparking in her hand. "That hair, your from the house of Gremory." Fallen angel male, "My name is Rias Gremory, and who are you, other than a fallen angel?" Rias, "Well well, who knew this town is in the control is of the next head of the great Gremory family, so he is apart of your household?" Fallen angel male, "If you bring any harm to him you'll get no mercy from me." Rias, "Apologizes for the miss understanding, but it is unwise to let your servants to run lose like this next time he is out for a stroll like this he might meet someone less cordial than my self." Fallen angel male, "Welcomed advice but you didn't answer her question, what is your name fallen." Typhion steps in behind Rias with his war sword in hand. The fallen male retracts from the sudden surge of powerful aura coming from the being in front of him. "I am Dohnaseek, but do heed my advice Gremory heir keep your servants on a tight leash." Dohnaseek, with that said he flys away with the barrier disappearing. "That was a close call, can't believe he ran into a fallen one." Akeno, "If we don't do something he'll die." Koneko, "That won't happen, he'll live, I'll see to that my self." Rias, "And where would you be going again tonight." "I'll be taking him home so I can heal him back to normal, and thank you for coming with us Typhion." Rias "It was nothing it gave me something to do, and besides I wanted to see your new member." Also to see if I could fine where that aura came from earlier. With that Rias went to the boys home and everyone else went back to the school building. "So the pervert is now apart of you guys now." "Seems so." Koneko, "Well all fun that ends well, I'm off see you guys tomorrow." "Goodnight Typhion." Akeno, "Goodnight miss Himejime." I teleport home and head to bed. "Promise me you'll come back." Mysterious voice, "I promise that I'll come back, goodbye for now." Young boy, I had awoken with a bit of sadness as I remember what I promised her those years ago. I wish I had told her how I felt back then but it wouldn't of helped.

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