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Typhion pov

"We prepare for war and stopping the steeling of that sacred gear." "What do we do to prepare for this?" Sona, "Contact your leaders you told me about, but say we don't have enough evidence to act on this war threat." "We can do that, I will contact Sirzechs, but what about the sacred gear user." Akeno, "I will find them and do some investigating about that and I will put a stop to it before it happens." I start to head for the door. "Goodnight everyone see you tomorrow." Everyone waved goodbye and teleported away.

The Next Day
Third pov

Typhion is waiting outside of a house waiting for someone, and said person comes out. "Morning Hyoudou how are you today." Typhion, Issei waves at Typhion as he greets him. "Morning Typhion, I'm well how about you?" Issei, "I'm well let's get going before where late." Typhion, They began walking and they make small talk, until they hear a grunt of pain as someone has fallen. They notice a girl who has fallen and her outfit had  revealed her panties when she fell, Typhion looks over at Hyoudou and sees he has a perverted smile, Typhion decks him in the face, and he walks over to help her up. "You ok miss." Typhion, "Yes thank you, but why did you hit that boy you where with?" Small girl, Typhion quickly pondered his answer before telling her. "My friend is a pervert and when you fell he saw something that caught his interest, that's why." Typhion, The girl looked a little embarrassed by what happened. A small gust of wind started and it took her hat to witch Issei caught. "Here you go miss." Issei, the girl took her hat back. "Thank you mister." Girl, "Is there anything else we can help you with?" Typhion, The girl looked happy to when he said that. "Yes, I'm a little lost and I don't know where to go, do you think you could help me find the local church here?" Girl, "That would be not problem at all, we'd be happy to, may I as your name if you don't mind?" Issei, "My name is Asia Argento, What's yours?"Asia, "I am Issei Hyoudou." Issei, "And I am Typhion Yoidcath." Typhion, after they said their names they start walking to the church when they hear a kid crying, so they head that way. "What's the matter little one?" Issei, The kid stop crying to look at the trio. "Fell and hurt my leg." Kids, Asia walks up to the kid and kneels down and puts her hand next to the kid's leg. "This won't here it will make it feel better." Asia, A green glow comes out of her hands as the wound on the kid's leg is completely healed. Both Typhion and Issei where shocked by what happen but recomposed them sleds before Asia returned. "That was incredible." Issei, "Thank you, I am blessed to have this power that was gifted to me by the Lord." Asia, They resumed their walk to the church and they arrived to the road that went to the church, and Issei had a shiver. "Are you ok?" Asia, "Yes, I just got chilly." Issei, "Ok, thank you for taking me to the church." Asia, "No problem it was a pleasure to meet you Asia, hopefully we see each other in the future." Typhion, "Come on we need to get to the school quick now." Typhion, He summoned a magic circle with Issei next to him. They arrived to the old school building. "Come on we need to get to class fast the bell will ring and minute now." Typhion, Both him and Issei started to run to the school and to their respective classes and got to them in the nick of time.

Typhion pov

Did you see what she did. Yes that was strange. Arthralma, Do you think that could be the nun they are looking for. Nythralma, Possibly, but we need to keep an eye on her in case they do anything to her. You need to tell Rias what happened. Nythralma, I will do it when we meet up later. It was later in the day when I and the others met up. "So some good news and bad news." Rias, "The good news is that the leaders listen to us, but the bad news is that when our leaders got in touch with the angels to notify about is going on with the nun, they already said she was killed out of the church for being a heritic and they don't know where she is." Akeno, "Yes we do she is here at the church." Issei, "Ok that's good as long as the fallen haven't gotten to her yet." Rias, And for the rest of the night they talked about what happens to when A devil meets holy objects or places to Issei. "Looks like Koneko got a double summon again president." "Looks like you have another job Issei." Rias, Issei and Koneko leave for their jobs. "Rias about that nun that we saw today." "Yes what about her?" Rias, "If any time to get her is tonight." "No not at the moment we don't know she is the one or not, and don't your dragons have anything to say anything about this girl and the healing you saw." Rias, She was annoyed with how I acted with the fallen last night. "None to say, they are as confused as me or you." Rias felt something was going on with her members. "Akeno and Kiba please stay here for a minute I'm stepping out for a bit, and your coming with me." Rias, She points at me and I get ready to go. "Yes Rias." We teleport to the location that her members are at and as soon as we appear in I shield Rias with my body. "Oh look more filthy devils to kill." Man, he licks his sword, I summon my sword and attack the man. He blocks my attack and I summon another sword. "I will make you pay for shooting at her." "Oh really, I'd like to see you try devil." Man, He blocks another one of my attacks, I swing my left sword sideways but it misses as he dodged it. "I am no devil, I'm something worst and you'll feel my wrath." "If your not a devil then what are you?" Man, we lock swords once more. "I'm dragon you depraved jackass, and I have more sense to when I'm out matched to witch you are." His eyes moved from me to Rias To who was helping Issei and he raises his gun and tried to shoot her, but I cut off his hand before he can pull the trigger. "You fucker you'll pay for that he charges at me but I spin around him and finally notice that Asia was here. In the brief moment of not paying attention the man makes a cut down the middle of my back. "Rias leave with Koneko and Issei now I'll deal with them." I was sensing that there where 4 more presences coming to our location. Rias leaves with Koneko and Issei. "Good now your screwed." Man, I charge him with my swords behind be and bring them over my head as I try to kill him, but he rolls out of the way to where Asia is. "What is going on Freed." Dohanseek, "Just ran into a little trouble." Freed, he points at me and Dohanseek and the others look over to me. Dohanseek and girl that I remember pull back a bit, but two of them don't even move. "Wh-What are you doing here?" Raynare "Hello again Raynare, how's your wings." She flinched and then got angry. "You took my wings, now im going to take your life." Raynare, her and Dohanseek summon light spears and charge at me to witch I block both of them the other fallen and Freed charge at me. I use my weight to spin Dohanseek into Raynare, I desummon my right sword grabbing Raynare tossing her into Freed, and they collided with a wall. I block the fourth fallen attack. Dohanseek gets back up and tries to get behind me. I sprout my wings to block him. "You heal us now." Freed, Asia runs over to him to heal him and Raynare. I summon a spear and throw it at them to which it gets their attention. With Freed healed he charges again. Still blocking the fourth fallen I push her back and stab her through the gut and kick her into a wall. "You all are nothing more than a nuisance to me." My remark got to them and they all charged with all they had. I summon my armament gear gauntlets and a shield appears on my left gauntlet. I block Dohanseek and parry Freed's sword, Raynare tries to take advantage of my current lack of awareness. She goes in for an attack but I push Freed into her pathway and her spear goes through his chest. Raynare moves back as I push Dohanseek into her way. "Enough of this, you enhance pur weapons now." Raynare" she points to the other taller person. "Yes." Tall person, I recognized that voice but I couldn't conform it as of now. Raynare's light spear glowed red now. "Now you will burn." Raynare, she throws her spear but Asia gets into its pathway to protect me. I tried to stop it but it was to late as it impaled her and she almost collapses on the floor but I catch her. "Its ok I not going to let you die here ok little one." "But it's already to late for me." Asia, "Thank you for being my friend even it was for a little while." Asia, "You stupid bitch we needed your twilight healing now you screwed it all up." Raynare. All I could see was red as I felt my body changing. My hands turned red with sharp claws at the ends. My wings grew a bit and I had small horns on my head. Don't let your angry control you, she'll be fine. Nythralma, Too late. "GRAAWW You will pay for that what you did to her." I charge at Raynare and Dohanseek, I summon my war hammer and bring it behind me then I bring it over my head. It lands on Dohanseek and it kills him, I turn towards Raynare as she is cowering in fear. "Please don't kill me." Raynare, "You should have thought of that before you attacked and killed my friend's pawn and now die, and tell them Typhion sends his regards." I stab Raynare with my sword and she is lit on fire with my element gear. I turn towards the taller person that they brought with them. I raise my sword to strike them but they remove the cloak that was covering their face. And it is my child friend. "What are you doing g here Sateilizer." "I was going to as you the same thing what happened to you." "Nothing I was just trying to find him." I turned back to normal and I turn pick up Asia's body. "What do you plan on doing with her?" "I'm going to ask my friend if she can do anything." "May I come with you I don't want to be left alone here." Sateilizer, I look at her with sadness. "Yes of course, my I ask what happened after I left." Sateilizer looked down and didn't answer my question. "You don't have to answer now." I teleport us to the club room. As soon as we arrive everyone looks at me with happiness that I'm back but look at the girl in my arms. "Rias you have to help her please, it was my fault she is like this." "Yes I will see what I can do and I want to know what happened and also who is that with you?" "I will fill you in, and this is my childhood friend." "Ok set her on the couch." Rias, I set Asia on the couch in front of me and begin to tell Rias what happened. "So the fallen are dead the." Rias, "Yes I'm sorry I didn't get any further information." "Its all good we have enough now, and don't worry about the war thing the fallen you dealt with were rogues." "Its a good thing they are gone and we don't have to worry about it now." Akeno walks in with a cart in front of her but she stops as she notices my back. "Typhion your back it's been injured." Akeno, "I'm fine don't worry about it, worry about her." Rias was looking at me then she went back to Asia. She grabs a box and takes out chest pieces and went through them all until she got to a bishop. "I'm giver her a bishop because it will help boost her healing." Rias, At that point Issei walks in from where ever as he witnesses Asia's reserection. It was about 5 seconds until we heard breathing and her eyes opened. She looked around until she saw me and Issei. She got up and hug us both. "Thank you for coming to that house and getting rid of them." Asia, "It was no problem at all little Argento." "Also where am i?" Asia, Rias walked over to Asia and grab her hand in one of hers. "Hello Asia, my name is Rias Gremory and you are in my club room." Rias "Hello Rias it's nice to meet you, but I though I had died?" Asia, Issei was shocked at his and looked at me, I made a hand movement saying 'just wait'. "You did but Typhion brought you here and I used one of my evil pieces to revive you." Rias, Asia look at Rias with happiness. "Thank you for bringing me back, I don't know how to repay you." Asia, "I did it for a friend and another one." Rias, Suddenly I felt weak as I staggered to stand, I was starting to sway as everyone noticed. "Typhion are you ok?" Issei, "Amica are you ok." Sateilizer, I collapses on the floor face first.

Third pov

"Get him on the cough now." Rias, "How did this happen?" Akeno, they all looked at Sateilizer. "I don't know exactly but he transformed or something." Sateilizer, "You are correct little Stella." Nythralma, Issei looked around to see who said that. "Who's there show your self." Issei, "Calm down boosted gear wielder, I am inside Typhion." Nythralma, "Umm when were you going to tell me he too had a sacred gear." Issei, "Actually he has two perverted." Koneko, "WHAT SO UNFAIR." Issei, "Is someone jealous." Akeno, "Maybe." "Well don't be." Rias, She was looking concerned if her friend was dying or if he was going to live. "Why is that President?" Issei, "Because he never wanted that power and how I know him and his dragons told me." Rias, She looked at the girl that came with Typhion. "How long have you known him?" Rias, "We've know each other since we where 2, so quite some time, how about you?" Sateilizer, "For about a year now." Rias, Sateilizer loomed at Rias with compassion. "He does have the affect doesn't he, he may loom like cold person, but deep down he is such a good person." Sateilizer, Rias picked up the hint of tone of voice she used when she said that. "Do you love him?" Rias, Sateilizer looked at Rias with surprise. "Is it that obvious." Sateilizer, Rias chuckled a bit. "No but it was when you said how he was a person, so I though I might have asked." Rias, "Yes I do but I don't know if loves me back or not." Sateilizer, "I think he does." Rias, "And if you want to know just tell him, he will understand that's just how he is." Akeno, while Rias Akeno and Stella where talking so where Issei and Typhion's two dragons. "I have one question have we tired using Asia's healing at all on his back?" Issei, Everyone looked up and thought why didn't they think of that. "Lets give it a try." Kiba, Asia walks up to Typhion holds out her hands and tries to heal his wounds but nothing happens. She tries again but this time he awakes startling Aisa in the process. "What the he'll happen?" Typhion, everyone hugs him and are relived he is fine. "Ow ow." Typhion, Everyone lets go of him and back away a bit except for Sateilizer. "Did Asia's healing work?" Issei, Typhion looks down in sadness. "No it didn't work, no amount of healing will fix my wounds they become permanent scars." Typhion, Everyone looks sadden by this news. Typhion looks to his right and sees Sateilizer figiting. "I've always wanted to say this but I don't know if you will reciprocate it back." Sateilizer, Typhion looked at her in anticipation. "I have liked you for who you were and even after your parents deaths, you never judged others until you got to know them, that is what I like about you." Sateilizer, "Typhion, I love you." Sateilizer, she looked at him with what he was going to do when he picked her up by her waist and kissed her. She was shocked by the quickness he did it in. "I have always to loved you too, you never judged me and what happened to me, and that I'm thankful." Typhion let go of Stella, and everyone was happy their friend found his lost friend that he talked so much about and they are now a couple, but Rias looked away from them with sadness. She looked out the window to see a bird flying away, and she knew what the bird meant. I'm ready for our next meeting Riser.

Author's notes

Well another chapter done and we now have Asia in Rias's peerage Yay. Now it is time for the Riser Phenix arc. I'm excited about this one because I'll be putting my own spin on it and it will differ from the main Canon story. See you next time.

Sateilizer Lawrence-Age 19,hair color is titanium blonde, her eye color is ice blue, failed skinned with back length hair, a pair of semi rimmed glasses, her height is 5,6"

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