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Typhion's pov

"That's right run you coward, I have a feeling you and I will meet in the future little fallen."

That was a very interesting little skirmish. Nythralma, Yes it was did you see how terrified she was that was exciting. It's been a while since by brother and I have seen you this hyped. Arthralma, Indeed it may of been a quite fight but it was exciting I hope this town has more battle opportunities like that. Well we better get home before more show up. Arthralma, Alright fine I am very tired so let's go.

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Typhion gets home and he takes off his shoes at the door and goes to the kitchen to make a meal for himself. He makes a simple meal of meat and vegetables, as he eats he thinks about what he sensed in two for Rias' peerage members and the one other being in a separate room. "Hmmm." Typhion, "What is is partner?" Arthralma, "It's something but nothing at the same time." Typhion, "Oh and what is it?" Arthralma, "I sensed two things one being g that two of Rias' peerage members had different signatures and the other is that there was another being in a different room than us." Typhion, "I sensed that as well but if they didn't bring it up than it is none of our business." Nythralma, "Yes you have a point so I won't ask them tomorrow when I see them." Typhion, " Wise decision there but why are you seeing them tomorrow?" Nythralma, "I am also wandering this as well." Arthralma, "Well I want to become allies with them and they could help me with finding them." Typhion, "Good point, well it is late as it is good night Typhion." Arthralma, "Yes Good night Typhion get some well deserved sleep." Nythralma, "Good night you two." Typhion, Typhion puts is plate in the sink and heads to bed.

Typhion pov

"Why did you not help us." Dream figure, "I didn't have full control of my powers it's not my fault, I was only a child." "Still you had the power to help stop our killers but you stood there and did nothing it's all your fault." Dream figure, He grabs my neck and I'm transported to that day. "Hey Mom when is Dad getting home." Male child, "Here soon in about 15 minutes." Female adult, "Ok." Female child, "Hey Typhion want to go out side and greet Dad." Male child, "Yeah let's go last one out side is a rotten egg." I start running my brother and sister follow after me. "I win." Brother, "No fair you had a head start." Sister, "Says the one who is last, I started on the stairs." "Be quite I don't want to hear it." Sister, "Look I see Dad's car." Brother, We wait for Dad to pull up and we run up and give him a hug. " How was your day Dad." Sister, "It was alright how was your guys day?" "It was great I got to see a show." Brother, "I got to beat my class at question the teacher asked us." Sister, "It was terrible everyone avoided me and I got picked on again for being adopted" "It's ok don't let those bullies get to you just ignore them, you are no matter what a member of our family now and forever." Dad, " Thanks Dad love you." " Love you to my boy, let go in I bet your mother has dinner done already." Dad, "Ok." Everyone, I'm so tired I think I may go to bed soon. The doorbell rings "I'll get it. Dad, I look to see how it is. "How can I help you gentlemen "We are here for you son." Mysterious strange looking man, " Which one of my son's." Dad, "Your adopted son." Mysterious man 1, "May ask why you want my son if you don't mind if I ask." Dad, "Yes we do mind you lowlife human." Mysterious woman, Then there was blood on the floor coming out of Dad's chest. "KIDS RUN." Mom, One of the mysteries people grab Mom and pin her to the floor and three more come after me and my siblings as we start to run, but they catch us quickly and have my siblings and mother on the other Sid of the room. I'm so scared my wings unflare. "Just what we needed." Mysterious man 2, They pick me up and pin me to the wall and the mysteries strange looking man summon to light weapons and stab them in my wings and summon four more and stab them in my arms and legs. It burns so much, why does it burn so much. "You must be wondering why it burns so much well that is because it is a part of you devil blood." Mysterious strange looking man, "What do you want for us?" Mom, "Nothing from you humans but we want the devil." Mysterious woman, "And cents you are witnesses bow we must kill you, let's kill them first just to torment the little brat." "NNNOOO!" "It's going to be ok Typhion, we all love you." Mom, " Stupid human emotions let's kill them already." Mysterious man 2, My mom and siblings are killed right before me, I cry out "Boy his aura is so similar to false Lucifer." Mysterious woman, "Listen well kid remember your killers name good and well, I am Kokabiel and this is Shalba Beelzebub." Kokabiel, "What about us you fallen angel scumbag." Mysterious woman, "He won't care and besides I am in charge here." Kokabiel, He looks at me I spit on him. Why you little shit." Kokabiel, He slices my face with his fingers and summons a light weapon and burns my scratch. "Time to die."

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Kokabiel slices an x on Typhion's cheats that is very deep and then he stabs the middle. Typhion dies and the light weapons in his limbs disappear. "Good now with the false Lucifer son officially dead we can continue with our plans." Shalba, They teleport away from Typhion and his dead family.

In Typhion's mind.


Young one do you wish to live again." Nythralma, "What do you mean?" Typhion, "What my brother means is do you wish to be reincarnated and take revenge for your family." Arthralma, "Yes I do, I wish to kill the ones who killed my family." Typhion, "Ok prepare yourself to be reincarnated as a dragon." Arthralma and Nythralma,

Back in the real world

Typhion wakes with anger and saddness. "Why of all things to dream about why did it have to be that." Typhion, "It might be a sign that them maybe close." Nythralma, "I believe the same thing as well." Arthralma, "Then I will find Kokabiel and Shalba and kill them with my bare hands." Typhion,

Author's note

I hope you like this chapter I felt like I should write his reincarnation backstory after the little battle with Raynare since she is connected to Kokabiel in the canon story. More of his backstory will come and more cool things to come as well. See you all next time.

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