Live while were young - Chapter 18

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Im so so so so sorry for being really slow!


Kimberlys POV

How had my life become such a mess so suddenly? A while ago, I was the happiest girl standing on the earth’s surface, with the best boyfriend in the world wrapped around me. Now everything had just gone to shambles. My phone rings so I pick it up and I hear Jaz on the other en

"Why did Liam break up with you?" she gasps and I gasp myself.

"He didn’t.. did he?" and I can hear Niall muffling in the background.

"Liam said in his interview yesterday that he was single." I slide down the wall and sat on the ground, eyes fixed on the picture of Liam and I that was taken before we went to America.

"Kimberly?" calls Jaz but I don’t respond. Instead I hang up, troubled over what my life had become.....


"Hurry up already.." I moan at the stick lying in my bathroom sink. I tap my watch, desperate to see the outcome.

"3..2..1.." I run over to the sink and see a different result this time.


I scream in excitement. I dance around, screwing the lightbulb, patting the dog. But Liam still no longer wanted or needed me, he had said he was single.

"Kimberly!" my mum calls and I quickly shove the pregnancy stick into my pocket. 

Mum walks into the room and straight into the bathroom, thank god I had hidden the test.

"I’m taking out the trash." I nod and mum walks over to the bin, her mouth hangs wide open, like she’s in shock.

"Kimberly what is this?" she gapes and picks out the positive test from inside the bin.

"Nothing, it’s not mine." I baffle but mum looks at me and I know she knows I am lying.

"Kimberly, you are pregnant?" she whispers and I shake my head wildly.

"No, I’m not. Honest!" I shout but mum actually picks up the stick with her bare hands and looks at it, wide eyed.

"Liam did this to you? I thought he and you knew better than this." She says and I shake my head again.

"No, Liam didn’t do this to me!" I argue but then I realise that was a mistake.

"You’ve had sex with someone else... that isn’t Liam?" she yells and I start crying.

"Yes but I’m not pregnant mum." But she doesn’t listen.

"You are so careless." She scoffs and throws the test back into the bin.

"Mum I’m not pregnant." I shout but she turns her back on me and walks out the room. How could she not trust me?


Eleanors POV

Louis and I were stuck at his house. Literally. There were at least three hundred screaming girls standing outside his house and any way we tried to exit, they pushing and shoved to greet us there. Don’t get me wrong, I love that they get so excited but honestly, Louis and I just wanted to get some fresh air and maybe do something for the day rather than being trapped in his house. I knew that they wanted to say hello, after all they hadn’t seen him in so long but the American fans were a lot better behaved and gave us our space. 

"Louis, I want to get out." I groan and look at my boyfriend who is sprawled out over the floor of his den. There are coke cans scattered all over the floor, sandwich crusts on the sofa and empty crisp packets spaced out in little clusters.

Live while were young - Niall Horan - One direction FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now