Live while were young - Chapter 16

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I've had so much school work guys Im so so sorry its taken forever to update xo


Ambers POV

I grabbed items off the side of the kitchen table and threw them with all my might at Niall’s pathetic little face.

"Don’t you dare disrespect me!" I scream, a chopping board flying through the air and hitting Niall’s shoulder.

"I didn’t! You’re just being an absolute prick!" he retorts, placing the chopping board in the cupboard behind him. I open the another cupboard door and start collecting glass cups in my hand.

"For Gods sake!" Niall shouts. I’d never really seen Niall angry, but I suppose I was asking for it. I was just so angry at him for calling me names, yet names I deserved. I determinedly throw the glasses, slightly to the left of Niall because even I’m not that stupid and mean to throw glass at someone, no matter how angry I am. It shatters making a terrific noise, I was surprised no-one came in to see what was going on. I rip open the cutlery draw and pick up the knife, Niall watches gaping. I then storm over to the fridge and pull out the box of Nandos’ own chicken drumsticks.

"NO!" Niall shouts, the loudest I’ve ever heard, "NOT THE DRUMSTICKS! ANYTHING BUT THE CHICKEN DRUMSTICKS!" I rip open the packet and pick up a piece, the greasy piece of meat rubbing between my fingers. I raise my arm and lob it, so it smacks the side of Niall’s face.

Eleanor and Harry come running through the door, laughing and spluttering with these weird BUGG’s inside their clothes. I was on my fourth drumstick and Niall’s face was almost in tears.

"What the fuck is going on?" Harry asks and I turn around and throw the chicken at him. It makes a grease patch on his white shirt. My arm swipes the table and everything on it crashes to the floor.

"What do you think you are doing?" Eleanor exclaims and my face is so scrunched up and angry I can hardly speak.

"She’s wasted my chicken drumsticks!" Niall shouts, punching the air with his fist.

"Oh. My. God. You do not do that!" Harry yells and I stand there in stubborn shame.

"So I’ve pasted the line-" I begin and Harry, Eleanor and Niall stare at me with cold icy eyes.

"Amber, you are so far past the line, you cannot even see the line anymore! The line is a dot to you!" Niall screams, Louis comes sauntering through the door.

"Whose quoting from friends?" he jokes and then realises it isn’t the time. Kimberly, Liam, Zayn, Jaz and Chelsie all come through the door so all ten of us are squished in the very tiny kitchen.

"What’s happened?" Louis says, in a calm level headed voice.

"She wasted my drumsticks!" Niall cries, sitting in the corner of the kitchen, slumped on a chair.

"Well." Niall begins "She’s gone mental! She threw chopping boards, glasses and was thinking about throwing a knife at me." Niall shouts and I have eight faces stare at me at the same time, like dolls with fixed eyes. 

"Get out." Louis mutters, he points towards the door. "Get out." He repeats, I spin around and look directly at my bestfriend, looking for support.

"Chelsie?" I whisper and she shakes her head, like she’s going to cry.

"Just leave." She whispers.

"Fine then, be like that." I stretch out my arms and give her a firm push, a little harder then I meant too and Chelsie falls to the floor, belly first.

"YOU IDIOT!" Harry rushes to her side and Chelsie sits there, making faces like she’s about to be sick.

"She’s freaking pregnant!" Kimberly swears, also rushing to her side whilst Chelsie strokes her belly. Tears rolling down her cheek.

"Well, I, I." I start but Zayn and Louis grab me each by the arm and tuck me under their armpits.

"Say sorry." Louis grits through his teeth. I manage to mumble a sorry before getting kicked out onto the street. 


Chelsie's POV

Harry strokes my belly like it would be the last time he could.

"It will be okay." I whisper and he puts his arm around me. We were sitting in the Doctor’s waiting room, getting ready to be called in for Doctor Cull to see how our baby was doing. Harry had insisted we checked the baby straight away after Amber had pushed me but I said no because it’s technically too soon to see if she did any damage. So we have waited and now there is only one week to spare before the boys fly off back to America.

"Chelsie and Harry Styles into Room five please." Calls a voice.

"So we are married now are we?" I wink and Harry and he shrugs uncomfortably.

"Don’t even go down that path." He takes my hand and we walk down the corridor slowly together, Harry is shaking but I can tell by the determination on his face he’s trying not to show it. A young woman is sitting on a soft leather chair in room five.

"Doctor Cull?" Harry asks uncertainly and she smiles.

"That’s me." She tosses her black hair and pats a seat on the chairs infront of her desk. We sit down, quivering like nervous wrecks. 

I explain the whole situation about Amber pushing me over a few weeks ago and Doctor Cull says we did the right thing by not coming in straight away.

"We wouldn’t of been able to tell this early on. What are you now?" Harry squeezes my hand so tightly, my veins literally pop out from under the surface.

"6 weeks, almost 7" I answer and Harry looks into my eyes longingly. 

"Have you felt any painful symptoms?" Doctor Cull asks, she’s scribbling down everything I say on a notepad.

"I was sick just after I got pushed over. And the other day I felt terrible, like there was a wasp in my head and it kept stinging. On Saturday morning I also threw up. But that’s been about it." Doctor Cull nods and sighs, she places the cap on her pen and sits back in her chair.

"By the sounds of it, the baby is still okay. Very normal symptoms for 6 weeks pregnant and I should think they will keep carrying on. I expect Harry to take very good care of you." She smiles at Harry and Harry gives a weak grin back, biting his lip as he does so.

"If you move over to here, I will ultrasound the baby to make sure he or she is still breathing." She points to a chair, high off up the ground and made of leather. There is a pillow for me to rest her head on but apart from that, it looks very uncomfortable. It’s all wired up to a computer screen which is currently black. Harry lifts me onto it and holds my hand whilst Doctor Cull spreads a weird jelly gloop onto my belly. 

The computer machine comes alive and Harry grips my hand tightly.

"This is it Chelsie. The first sight of our baby. Dead or alive"....


ta daa

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