Live while were young - Chapter 15

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So so so so so for the mega slow update, got school and shizz...sorry but here you go :)


Niall’s POV

"What’s brown and sticky?" I ask Jaz, we are sitting on the sofa, the floor is vibrating, literally, because Harry thought it would be fun to bring all his BUGGs and believe me Harry has a lot. Over four hundred at least and he brought every single one with him. When you stand on the floor, you literally fall over because of the vibes. However Harry, Louis and Eleanor thought 

it was hilarious whilst the rest of us sit on chairs, not daring to touch the floor.

"Jesus Niall. I’m trying to eat." Jaz replies, looking down into the chocolate moose in her hand.

"A stick." I joke, but watch Jaz placed the pot on the side.

"Oops. Did I put you off?" I smirk and Jaz also gives a funny smile. We both lean in to kiss but my phone interrupts us.

"One sec!" I say, my ringtone is Justin Bieber and I can see Jaz biting her lip to stop herself from laughing.

"Thanks for the support of my belieberism." I grin and answer the phone to hear Liam on the other end.

"Niall, kitchen, now." He gasps and I listen in confusion

"Weren’t you here a few minutes ago?" I look around and hear banging from the kitchen.

"Mmm." He replies, I stand up and immediately get tickled by the vibration of the floor.

"Be back in a minute." I walk wonkily over to the kitchen door and open it. 

The door flings open and I see Liam being pressed up against the wall, his facial expression as scared as rabbit in the headlights and Amber closing her eyes, trying to kiss him but everytime she aimed, Li dodged her. She had literally pinned him to the kitchen wall.

"Dude?" I shout and Amber turns around whilst Liam struggles free.

"Do you not realise he’s with someone else?" I yell at Amber, my Irish accent stronger than ever. Amber looks at the floor, in my honest opinion, she looks like a tramp. Liam runs out the room, and I watch him fall over on the vibrating floor.

"Who do you think you are? His girl is the one he loves. His girl is your friend!" I scream and turn around, no longer interested in the little minx.


Eleanor's POV

Harry, Louis and I were having the most fun we’d had in ages.

"3…2…1…" Together we had invented a game and a routine to do with Harry’s BUGGs. God knows why they are called BUGGs because they don’t suck up anything. The game was to pick up as many as you can and stuff them down your clothes and you have to stand as still as you can, or we have to complete an obstacle course. I start gathering all the BUGGs and stuffed them down my top. I couldn’t stuff them down below because I was wearing a skirt. I had a feeling the boys were enjoying it a little bit too much but let’s not go down there. Harry and Liam had set up a course involving jumping over the sofa where people were sitting. We had to roll along the floor, without breaking the BUGGs and then jump over the sofa, walk across the chairs, take a drink and then pass the finishing line which was the kitchen door.

"On your marks, get set, go!" cries Zayn and we all roll nervously yet in a reckless laughter because it tickled so much. Harry and I were in the lead and we toppled over the sofa where Zayn, Kimberly and Chelsie were sitting.

"Mind the baby!" Chelsie grins as Harry dives between Zayn and her. I take a more direct and less harmful path and we carry on. Louis who is very squeamish was still on the rolling task, laughing as high pitched as a hyena. By the time Harry and I had made it to the final task, Louis had just made it past the sofa. Despite it being 1 o’clock in the morning, all three of us were quite energetic. Harry crosses the line first and burst into the kitchen. I followed, laughing and giggling, but neither Harry nor I were expected to see the sight we saw in that kitchen....


Sorry short chapter I am very tired! But Ill update again soon...sorry about the mega cliffhanger too haha xo

Live while were young - Niall Horan - One direction FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now