Live while were young - Chapter 4

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someone comment please Ive had like 30 reads!?

tell me wht you think, what you want to happen, if you want a part? ANYTHIN!?


Jaz's P.O.V. 

I woke the next morning in the same position as I fell sleep. 

No one else was awake so I decided to get up and get some orange juice, as I was pouring myself a glass I started to think to myself.

Maybe I did like Niall back...

I mean, he was so nice to me yesterday, he comforted me when I got scared, he was funny, and he treated me with respect, which I have never gotten from a boy.

My thoughts got interrupted by a cough behind me, I suddenly turned around and there smirking in frount of me was Louis..

"Morning" he said still smirking

"Morning Louis.."I replyed slightly confused

"Can you keep a secret?" He asked 


"Nialler has a crush on you..." he said still smirking

"Can you keep a secret?" I asked


"I know I was kinda...eavesdropping on your conversation yesterday..."


I felt rude so I managed to slip out a "sorry ahaah" 

"Oh thats okay! like him back?" he asked

"um, I dont know havent really thought about it..."

"ahh I see, well Im off to get dressed...see you in a bit"

And with that Louis had gone...weird..

- A few hours later -

"Were going to it the town for a bit, Niallers staying here with you If thats okay!" Liam yelled walking out the door with Zayn, Louis and Harry.

"Yeah thats cool...bye guys have fun" I yelled back

I walked into the lounge where Niall was sitting on the sofa watching T.V. and sat beside him.

"Hey Jaz Hows It goi...."

All of a sudden I had leaned in for a kiss...completely stopping him from completing his sentence. It was...indescribable, I had a fit of electric oing right through my body. I could feel him smile in the kiss and it made me happy that he actually wanted to kiss me back. For a moment I didnt know what I was doing, It felt so wrong...but now, It just feels so right. So amazingly perfect. 

We broke off the kiss and Niall just about made out "Hi J-Jaz...." bless him

"Hey Niall" I said. My life had suddenly lit up, like everything I needed was here, like my life was complete.

I got up to get a drink from the kitchen. Niall followed me as it he was in a trance, after my drink we lip locked all over again and the same sensation came through me. Horever, we didnt here the door open...

"Try not to swallow eachother guys..." A voice came from behind us

We suddenly stopped kissing and turned around, and saw Zayn smirking back

"GUYS JAZ AND NIALL WERE KISSING!!" he yelled, and the rest of the boys ran into the kitched, I stood there speechless. Louis turned and walked out and headed for the bathroom while Zayn, Liam and Harry fussed over us. I didnt know what to think, were me and Niall a couple now? What would happen when they went on tour in a few weeks? 

Niall poked me as if to say can we go somewhere else, so I excused ourselfs and headed for my bedroom. 

"Jaz...I think I love you" Niall said in a whisper

"Guess what Niall...I think I love you too" I said back with the biggest smile on my face

"Will you be my girlfriend Jaz?"He asked also with  smile on his face

"Of course I will...." I answered and we kissed once again


Louis P.O.V. 

I was a mess. I liked her too, I wasnt expecting Niall to go for head was a mess.

Jaz and Niall emerged from her bedroom, her perfect deep brown eyes looking the the floor and a beautiful smile glued to her face.

"we have something to say..."she said in a daze

"go ahead" Harry said 

"Me and Jaz are a couple, were together..." Niall said 

I felt my heart sink and smash into a million tiny pieces...but I found myself cheering along with the rest of the boys. 


Niall and Jaz looking over the moon happy, it was crazy.

I need to tell someone...


Harrys P.O.V. 

I was sat on the sofa watching eastenders when Louis comes up behind me, he had a sad look on his face and he looked as if he needed to get something to tell me, he asked me if I could come to the kitchen so he could tell me something so I got up and followed him.

"Whats up boo bear?" I asked grabbing myself an apple

"well....IThinkILoveJaz..." He said without any spaces

I just stood there mouth open wide in shock

"say something Hazza? Anything? EARTH TO HARRY?!" He said slightly awkwardly

"Louis its okay, its just I crush I bet! we just need to do something to get your mind off her! I know just the thing!" I said with the most genius look on my face.

I ran out the room and told Zayn and Liam about Louis situation, they reacted like me for a moment, but then I explained my plan! "So we get another girl, and we introduce her to Louis, he falls for her and they live happily ever after!? good or what?!" I said with a smirk

"Great, but what girl super genius?!" Zayn said after

"I know just the one!" Liam said


What you guys think? LEAVE A COMMENT!!! PLEASE :3 Thanks guys! oh and I need someone for my next chapter, just comment if you want to be in it?xoxoxo

Live while were young - Niall Horan - One direction FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now