Chapter Two

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Chapter Two

This is the part two of the two-shot, slightly revised. 


 “So what are we doing?” Niall asked, sat in the passenger seat of his own car. Liam and Niall had been hanging out all week, with and without Niall’s friends, but Liam hadn’t told the Irish lad  what he had got planned.

  “You’ll see.”

  Niall liked it—absolutely adored—when Liam’s being all mysterious, although he wouldn’t ever admit it to his boyfriend.  But that didn’t mean that he hadn’t noticed how Liam was still nervous around him.  Liam was, no doubt, excellent at hiding his feelings but Niall had learnt to read the subtle changes in Liam.  For instance, how Liam would flick his gaze downwards three times before speaking to someone he didn’t want to talk to. Even in the midst of a conversation, sometimes Niall caught Liam with a slightly glazed over look in his chocolate eyes that signified his sense of unease. And it was a rare moment if Liam was posing a completely relaxed body posture around people.  Not even when the two boys were alone together.

  “I can’t believe that I’m letting you drive my car,” Niall muttered.

  “Aww, is curiosity killing little Nialler?” Liam teased.

  One week.  That’s all it took for Liam to trust Niall like no one before.  Not even his own parents.  The brunet had even considered telling Niall about his cutting.  It had scared him at first because he wasn’t used to feeling that comfortable around others.  But soon, it became evident that Liam couldn’t fight it because it was Niall.  He wasn’t scared to admit that maybe, just maybe, he might end up falling for the blond Irish lad. 

  One week also was all it took for Liam to become a slightly different person at school.  It wasn’t like his personality did a complete one-eighty.  He had, however, become less quiet at school.  He was still reserved but at least Niall and Niall’s friends weren’t the only people he talked to. Just yesterday, Niall saw the light brunet talking to a girl about a project they had together and he had felt a surge of warmth and pride welling up inside heart.

  “Eyes on the road, Granny,” Niall warned playfully.  Liam blushed as he realised that he had been spacing out a bit.

  “Granny?” Liam quirked a brow at that. “Where’d that come from?”

  “Not sure. Would you rather that I called you Bambi then?”

  Liam chuckled. “I think any nickname is better than granny, Nialler.”  Bambi, he thought in a wondering tone.  I like the sound of that. “And I like Bambi.  I like it a lot.”

  “So do I.”

  Shortly after that, Liam and Niall arrived at their destination.  Niall’s ocean blue eyes widened as he saw that the car was parked outside a bakery. 

  “Bambi, what are we doing outside a bakery?” Niall asked.

  “Voilà, the best first date idea I ever had.  I’ve planned on inviting you over to mine but we don’t keep a lot of snacks around my house.  So I thought that it would be nice if we went to a bakery to pick out some snacks and whatnot together as a date.  And there happens to be a cinema like a block away as well,” Liam said, smiling.  Niall leant over the glove department and the gearshift so that he could peck Liam on the cheeks.

  “For someone who’d wanted me to sod off, you sure know the way to my heart,” Niall commented cheekily.

  “Babe, everyone knows that you’re in love with food.”

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