Chapter Seven

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Chapter Seven

It took a week for Liam to recover enough to come back to school. And every day of that week, Niall returned straight to Liam's house from school to cuddle with him, giving him wordless comfort.

For Karen, it was like seeing her son back in Wolverhampton where Liam would barely speak a word to anyone. Granted, she had missed all the signs of her son's depression but now she could see just how fragile her son was. He hardy ate and the weight loss was painfully visible.

For Niall, this was new because he had first grown used to the stoic, icy exterior of Liam's; then to the caring puppy-like person Liam turned out to be. Every time Niall gazed into his boyfriend's brown eyes, empty, vacant orbs stared back. The only indication that Liam gave to assure that he knew Niall was there was Liam's warm fingers tightening around Niall's when Niall held him close. As much as this new Liam scared him, Niall liked the proximity that he could get. He would wait for Liam to recover as long as he needed him to. Lying in the bed next to Liam was enough for him.

Sometimes, Liam would cry out in fear in his slumber. Sometimes, Liam would tense up in Niall's arms and try to shove him away. Sometimes, Liam would sob until he was so exhausted that he fell asleep again. And every single moment broke Niall's heart.

So after a week and a day, when Liam finally said a quiet 'Hi,' to Niall, Niall's heart jumped in a good way. Fresh tears were sparkling in those brown orbs. Niall reached out to wipe them away but Liam drops his gaze to the bedspread. Then, suddenly, as if he had just realised that Niall was sat on his bed, Liam blushed.

"Hi, Li," Niall whispered. "How are you feeling?"

"Honestly?" Liam said in a hushed tone. Niall nodded. "Like a piece of sod."

"Probably because you haven't been eating well the past week," Niall reminded him with a fond smile.

"A week?" He had forgotten how seamlessly time could pass when he fell into this . . . state.

"Yeah, a week. Don't worry, I made sure that you are excused form most of the homework. Although, I can't say the same for your English teacher. He went livid the third day."

"A week . . . ." Liam repeated himself, his eyes clouding over again. For a moment, Niall thought that Liam had gone back into whatever that had been. Thankfully, Liam gave a tiny shake of his head and looked up into Niall's blue orbs. "And you were here with me . . . everyday?"

"'Course I was. Where else would I go?" Niall wasn't sure where this was headed.

Niall rubbed Liam's back slowly, smiling apprehensively. "It was scary, Li. You were gone, mate. Like not hearing or seeing anyone." Not even me, Niall added in his head. 

"Ah, sorry. Those guys who beat me up, they really got to me. Guess my mind couldn't cope with it." 

"Most people reach out to others when that happens . . ." Niall trailed off when anger flashed in Liam's warm brown orbs. 

"Well, I'm not like most people, Nialler," the brunet snarled out. 

Niall instinctively wrapped his arms around his boyfriend, forming a protective circle within his arms. "I'm sorry, Liam. But you should know that I'm always there if you ever need to talk to me. You can always find shelter in me, 'kay? I l-" he cut himself off. He'd only known Liam for about a month now. He couldn't scare him off by telling him that he loved him already. He'd already seen the glimpses of the other lad's darker side. The side that didn't believe in care or love. It was going to take some time before Liam could accept the fact that yes, people could love him. Love him for his kind smile, his sparkling brown eyes, and his gentle personality.

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