Chapter Thirteen

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Chapter Thirteen

Suffice to say, the rest of the holidays was full of Niall's adorable laughter and Liam's shy smiles. On Boxing Day, they went to see The Hobbit together because Liam had begged Niall too. Niall ha never read nor watched the original trilogy so Liam had to explain every other scene. Which was fine eith Liam as it gave him an excuse to whisper into Niall's ear, sometimes nibbling on the outer shell to tease his boyfriend

After movie, they had to return home as Maura had told Liam that there would be a massive family dinner. Every day after Christmas, the Horan clan would have their gathering. It truly was a clan for there would be about thirty people crammed into Niall's house. 

"At least that makes the dinner convo never boring," Niall mused. They were bustling about in the kitchen with Maura and a few of Niall's aunts. As Niall had predicted, everyone adored Liam. Liam was even asked by one of Niall's smaller cousins to kiss Niall. Of course, Liam had acquiesced by kissing he corner of Niall's soft pink lips, wanting to keep it PG. 

Maura kissed Niall's cheek as she flew by, this time dropping off a pile of potatoes. She winked and said, "oh, don't complain. I know you'll eat half of it."

The next half hour was spent preparing all the dishes. Once the food was ready for either the oven or the stove, the boys were released back to the packed living room. Liam found himself at the centre of attention as everyone wanted to talk to their Nialler's new boyfriend. Some of the older cousins, as well as Greg, kept dropping gay innuendos. Needless to say, by the time dinner rolled around, Liam's cheeks were matching the tree ornaments quite perfectly. 

Dinner itself was wonderful. Liam could see why Niall ate all the time. With food so great, who wouldn't? Pleasant small talk the dinner tables and there never was shortage of laughter. Liam found talking to the Horans easy enough. They liked to ask him questions of what England was like ans such and so forth. 

After dinner, they gathered around the tree in the living room to have some eggnog and share a toast. Liam smiled at all the inspirational speeches and wishes for a good year for the next. Who knew that he might not have even made it through this year without his prince Nialler, let alone have a good year. He truly owed it all to Niall. 

Written by NarryingAlong

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