Chapter Six

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Chapter Six

Quick A.N. someone has commented that there is a lot of sexual tension in Niam kisses and I laughed so hard at that.   ILYSFM xD 


  That Monday morning, Liam looked forward to going to school for the first time in ages. He jumped out of bed at the first sound of his alarm and got into the bathroom as soon as he had gathered his clothes. His mother gave him a kiss on the cheek when he came downstairs, raising an eyebrow when she noticed he was humming along to the radio that was playing in the kitchen.

  “Alright love, I'm going to head out. Promise I'll be home when you come back from school, we could cook dinner together, okay?” she rushed, grabbing her bag in one hand, coat in the other. Liam didn't even had the time to reply, before he even found the words to use, she was out of the door.

  He picked up the sandwiches she'd left for him on the counter, scrunching up his nose at the ones with cheddar. The threw those in the bin on his way out and ate another while he stuffed the rest in his backpack. Much to his—pleasant—surprise, Niall was leaning against the lantern at the opposite side of the street, waiting for his boyfriend to come out of the door. Liam quickly swallowed the bite he had in his mouth and grinned widely at Niall, skipping across the street in an uncharacteristic way to kiss him on the lips. The kiss was sweet and forceful at the same time, butterfly wings tickling the inside of his stomach when he pulled back to see the little twinkle in Niall's blue eyes.

  “Morning Bambi.” the blond muttered against his boyfriend's lips, reluctant to pull back and completely lose contact.

  “Morning, Stitch.” Liam grinned, swinging his backpack over his shoulder again and stepping back to grab Niall's hand.

  “Stitch?” Niall questioned, fingers lacing between Liam's as they quickly fell into a comfortable pace.

  “Hmmm, since you gave me a Disney related pet name, I figured you should have one too. So Stitch it is.”

  “Very flattering though, being called after a vicious furry alien.” Niall sneered.

  “Aw, don't be like that. Stitch is actually cute, and he has a good heart, just like you. And the way he holds his head when he listens intently reminds me of you. So, Stitch.” Liam explained, squeezing Niall's hand.

  “Alright then, Bambi.” Niall replied, smiling brightly as they walked through the gates of their school. It didn't take long before they were surrounded by their friends, and even though they had just seen each other the night before, there was not a second where nobody talked. Until the first bell disturbed their peace, and all of them scurried away towards their lockers to take out the books they needed for their first periods.

  Liam and Niall had no classes together in the morning, so both boys were happy when finally the bell signalled it was their lunchtime and pretty much ran through the halls to make their way to the cafeteria. A big kiss was shared before they turned towards the lunch line, but of course their friends wouldn't let them live it down. They teased them about the displayed affection, well, affection was probably not a strong enough word to describe what they had put on display earlier the entire time they were sat at their usual table. Liam was blushing fiercely, a deep shade of red reaching from his neck to his ears and cheeks while Niall just laughed along and grinned the entire time, his hand never losing its comforting grip on Liam's.

  Their shared time didn't last long though, much too soon the bell rang again, Louis and Zayn hurrying off to their Spanish class, Eleanor and Perrie had chemistry together, Harry waited for Niall to join him to their physics class, and Liam had maths all by himself.

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