Chapter Ten

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Chapter Ten

Liam woke up because of the sun shining into his face mercilessly. It took him a few minutes to realise why he was still in bed mid-morning and what that weight was on his chest. Niall, he realised, the previous events bringing a blush to his cheeks. Niall had told him he loved him, repeatedly. He still couldn't wrap his mind around it completely, but he'd felt that his blond boyfriend meant every word of what he'd said. Liam really wanted to trust him, and he'd try his best not to push Niall away again. He watched the blond boy on his chest, his lips slightly parted and breaths coming out of his mouth in short puffs. It didn't take long before his eyelids started to flutter, and Liam thought it was a shame that he was waking up already. He liked watching Niall sleep.

“Morning.” Niall smiled lazily as he adjusted himself so he could look Liam in the eye.

“Hey.” Liam smiled back. “You're cute when you sleep.”

“Am not!” Niall protested halfheartedly, but secretly he loved the compliment.

“Are too. And don't even try to argue cause you can't see yourself in the mirror when you sleep. You're cute.” Liam decided.

Niall rolled his eyes but left it at that, snuggling his face closer in Liam's chest, enjoying the warm and musky smell. “I love you.” he muttered, because it didn't matter anymore, he'd said it plenty of times already, so another time wouldn't hurt. It was Liam's reply that surprised him.

“I know, but why?” His voice was quiet, hardly more than a whisper, but Niall adjusted himself anyway, trying to think of a good reply. He settled for lying down between Liam's legs, his arms on his chest to serve as a pillow for his chin to rest on.

“Because... you're beautiful. Even with all those scars on your arms and thighs and stomach, you're stunning. And because you're kind and caring. And because, behind those thick and high walls you've built around yourself, there's a nice guy who's unnecessarily insecure about himself. He's beautiful, and smart, and funny, and kind, and nice, and caring, and everyone who he allows to get to know him loves him. And because I can see us together in 60 years. It might sound silly, because we've only known each other for a little while but still, I can picture us growing old together.”

Liam felt a blush rise on his cheeks at Niall's words. Surely he was being too kind and probably overdoing things to make him feel better.

“I mean it Li. Every word of it. I want to be with you.”

“Even if I can't say it back?” he questioned, because, even if he would accept that Niall loved him, which he still found hard, he didn't know if he'd ever be capable of loving someone again.

“Even if I have to wait for you to say you love me until I'm on my death bed,” he vowed. “Or longer.”

Liam chuckled and ran his hand through Niall's hair. It was soft and lacked it's usual stickiness from his hairgel, and even though Liam thought he looked handsome with his quiff, he liked this hairdo as well.

“I'll probably never understand why you put all this effort in me, but I just... thank you.” he whispered before putting his lips on Niall's for a sweet kiss.

When they detached their lips again, Niall rolled off Liam's body, very aware of what their kissing might do to his body, and quite frankly, he wasn't sure if it was a good time to go at it again already. He stretched and yawned, asking Liam what time it was in between.

“Quarter past eleven.”

“Hmmm. We should probably shower and get ready for the afternoon then.” Niall mused. He wasn't very keen on going to school, but they had already missed half a day of classes, and they probably wouldn't get away with another. Liam nodded, feeling as reluctant to get out of bed and their cosy cocoon, but he as well knew they'd better go to class this afternoon. He turned to peck Niall on the lips and swung his legs out of bed, grabbing some fresh clothes on his way to the shower.

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