Chapter Four

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 Chapter Four

By the end of the movie, Niall was still sound asleep, and as Liam wiped away a stray tear that had managed to escape, he was silently happy about it. Because what grown man, because technically that’s what he is, cried at Finding Nemo? It was even a happy end! And since he had already cried earlier that night, he didn’t fancy being caught at it again. Even if Niall had been really kind and understanding about it, Liam was pretty sure he would’ve teased him about these tears.

It was almost ten now, and his mother was still not home. Liam contemplated taking out a blanket from the box underneath the TV, but finally decided against it, not knowing when and in what state his parents would come home. He had witnessed his parents coming home in a slightly drunken state before, and their display of affection had been cringe-worthy. Not something you wanted to see from anyone over 40, let alone your own parents.

He slid out from under Niall, smiling at his quiet grunt when he put his head down on the armrest instead of on Liam’s chest, and walked to the kitchen. He took the white bottle with his name printed on it from the kitchen cabinet, shook out one of the yellow tablets and swallowed it down with a glass of water, cringing at the bitter taste it left on his tongue. He grabbed his toothbrush next and quickly brushed his teeth before he hurried back to the living room, relieved that Niall hadn’t woken up yet. He carefully slid one arm under Niall’s shoulders and the other under his knees, hoisting him up from the couch and cradling him close to his chest to take him upstairs to his room. He giggled a bit elated when he realized their first date had resulted in dinner and a sleepover, but somehow he didn’t mind, not with Niall. He was reluctant to admit it, but he had let Niall closer to his heart than he had planned already. He had grown really fond of the blond guy who was too kind and too happy to be true, really.

 Once arrived in his room, he used his foot to bring the covers back to the end of the bed, and put Niall down on the mattress before taking off his shoes and socks, slipping out of his own clothes soon after. He hesitated if it would be okay for him to sleep in only his boxers like he usually did, but he knew he’d get warm if he wore anything more, especially with someone else next to him, so he crawled in next to his boyfriend anyway. He found it easy to make himself comfortable next to Niall, his head resting in the crook of Niall’s neck, a smile etched on his face as Niall turned around to put his arm around Liam’s waist, still fast asleep, and smacked his lips. He locked his own arm around Niall and quickly fell asleep to the even breathing of his boyfriend next to him.

An arm was slung around his chest, keeping a tight grip on it when he woke up, panicking because he was struggling for breath. Jake. It was the first thing on his mind, all common sense long gone as his fear took over. His breathing quickened together with his heartbeat, his heart ramming against his chest with a force that he was sure would cause internal bruising, panic taking over all his senses. His mouth wide open in an attempt to draw in more oxygen, the only things filling up his thoughts being Jake! I need to get away! and air! I need air!. He struggled to get out of the death grip on his chest, pushing the guy next to him away with all the force he could muster, but he felt weak because of the lack of oxygen, the familiar tingling around his mouth and in his fingers already kicking in as a result of his hyperventilating. The struggle took all energy Liam had left in his body, and he felt like he was going to black out any minute. He didn’t allow himself to, he couldn’t, not while he was with Jake. He pushed one last time, all the power he had left in his body channeled in that one movement, and finally that was what woke Niall up.

 “Umph.” Niall was sleepy, and a bit confused, not remembering anything after the start of the movie. Where was he? Who was he with? And why on earth was that other person fighting him? He lifted his free arm, the one that wasn’t tucked under the pillow, to rub his eyes and blinked confusedly when Liam quickly scrambled out of bed at that, hardly managing to stay on his feet as he ran towards his bedroom door.

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