Drinks and Broken Promises

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" some how I found, a way to get lost in you. Let me inside, and let me get close to you. Change your mind, I'll get lost if you want me to somehow I found... A way to get lost in you." -Three Days Grace

*1 week later*


I groped my pocket in search of my phone, which was playing closer by nine inch nails; my ringtone.

"What." I sapped

"Do you want to come over to watch the game tonight?" I heard J on the other end.

"Sure, not like I got anything better to do."

"Bring your own beer." I heard him chuckle slightly.

Fuck, that meant I had to go to the store. God dammit, I fucking hate shopping.

"Fine." I retorted, hanging up.

I groaned and stood up walking over to the counter to grab my keys.

Great time to go to the store

I trudged out of my house and into the sunlight, squinting. How long has it even been since I've gone outside... A week? Two weeks? Oh well. I slowly hobbled over to my car and flung open the door, slipping myself inside.

Yay time to deal with people

My hand inched the key twards the ignition and jammed it in. The car whirred to life in an instant.

The drive to Wal-Mart was pretty calm minus all of the crazy ass drivers, and the traffic. Right as I walked up to the store some toddler started whining while his mom continued to scold him.


I quickly turned around and continued walking into the store. I glanced over at a girl wearing a crop-top and stripper like boots. She looked kind of like a child prostitute, not surprising. Right as I was about to turn away she flashed me a dirty look.


I rolled my eyes and trotted over to the alcohol section and grabbed a bottle of whiskey.

That should do... Okay maybe two.

I grabbed a second just in case and stumbled out of the isle, almost running into a teenager who was carelessly wandering around.

"I'm sorry!" Looked up at me, her expression almost scared.

"It's fine." I smiled slightly realizing she was wearing a Hollywood undead t-shirt.

"Wait, your Johnn-"u

"I know, nice shirt." I flashed her a quick smile, noticing the grin starting to spread across her face.

"Oh my god, I never thought I'd meet you for the first time in Wal-Mart! Can I have a hug?"

"Sure kid."

I leaned in giving her a quick hug and heading on my way.


"Jesus where is George, he better get his ass over here." Dylan growled under his breath.

"I'm sure he'll be here soon." Abby said reassuringly from across the room.

"I told him to bring his own beer, he's probably still at the store."

"I'm tired of waiting for his bullshit. Can we watch the game before someone posts something on Facebook to spoil it?" I glanced over at Jordan, who was tapping his foot on the ground impatiently.

"I'll get it." Matt leaned over from his spot on the couch and grabbed the remote.

"Thanks gay wad." Jordan smirked at him.

Once the tv was on I noticed the raiders were losing by 7 points.

"Fuck." I whispered.

"Stop getting so worked up over gay ball." I noticed kaila rolling her eyes.

"Why not? You get worked up over nasqueer or whatever that shit is that you watch." I smirked at her.

"It's not nasqueer, it's supercross dumb ass." She grinned realizing she has won.


*3 hours later*

"I still can't believe the raiders lost." I said sadly, taking another swig of my beer.

"Yeah..." Jordan trailed off. "They deserved the win more than green bay."

" would you too just shut up about that and play truth or dare with us?" Elena snapped.


"Whos turn is it?" Jordan asked.

"Dylans' "


"Hmm. Danny truth or dare?" Dylan smirked.


"What celebrity would you want to fuck the most?"

"I don't know... Jennifer lawrence I guess?" Danny shrugged.

I dozed off for most of the game, until it hit Matt's turn.

"Matt truth or dare?" George asked.

I noticed a pile of at least 20 beer cans around him, he was wasted.

"Truth?" He slurred.

"Who was the last person you kissed?"

My heart practically stopped.

Please don't say anything

"Well, in Vegas I kissed Elena." He slurred, quickly covering his mouth in realization.

"What?! I'm going to fucking kill you!" I watched Jorel lunge towards Matt.


Matt wasn't even fighting back, what the hell?

I grabbed one of jorels arms trying to stop him from doing any more damage.

"Stop, I-" before I had time to finish my sentence Jorel flipped around, flinging his fist straight at my face.

I stumbled backwards clutching my now bleeding nose.

"Elena... Oh my god... I'm... I thought you were..." He looked at me a small amount of hatred still in his eyes.

Without saying anything I dashed out the door not bothering to look back. I had a feeling I wouldn't be back for a long time...


Yep, you're welcome. A cliff hanger! This chapter took a while to write. I'll probably update again at least once more this week! Sorry I've been lacking updates on a lot of my fanfics! I've been trying to continue writing but I've been on a mild writing block with my other fanfics (not counting this one). ~stay undead~

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