the guy diaries

167 14 2

*1 week later*


"I'm tired of taking care of your sorry ass, you've been out of the hospital for 6 days, I'm going have a couple of drinks or something. I'll be back later, if you need food there's some in the fridge, oh and I hid the remote,  I thought you could use some exercise." ~Elena.

Slowly set down the note that had been laid next to me.

"Fuck." I whispered scanning the room.

Leaving me here go starve? Forcing me to find the remote? That's worse than slavery...

I groaned and Sat up running my hands through my messy hair. I should probably take a shower, considering it had been four days since my last. Eh then again I didn't smell that bad, what's one more day.

I stood up and hobbled over to the kitchen opening the cabinet. Cereal? Hmm... No. Pasta? To hard to make. Sandwich? I've had that for lunch the past three days. Soup? That involves work.

Nothing in the cabinet time to check the fridge...

Leftover chicken from three weeks ago? Should probably throw it out... Eh I'll get to it tomorrow. Raw ramen... How the Fuck did that get In here? Whatever. I'll just call Elena.

I limped back to the couch and grabbed my phone.

"Theres nothing to eat." I mumbled into the phone.

"Theres soup, pasta, and there's a can of whipped cream in the fridge." She sounded unamused.

"But that all takes work to make." I whined

"Just because you have a sprained ankle and a few cracked ribs doesn't mean you can't cook."

"You should be nicer to me, I almost died."


"Can you come home and make me some dinner?" I pleaded.

"Fine." She hung up.


"Sorry guys I'll hang out with you later, Mr. Cripple can't make himself dinner." I rolled my eyes.

"Aww, but the funs just starting!" Abby exclaimed.

"I promise I'll make it up to you!" I waved at her and walked out of the bar and out to my car.


Kaila wasn't here and I was kind of horny. Well kind of was an understatement. I grabbed my laptop and looked up some porn to pass the time until she got home.

I scrolled through the list that read "new"

I saw nothing that thrilled me. I clicked on the most interesting one I could find and started watching.

*10 minutes later*

Nothing was doing it for me so I called kaila.

"Hey , I love you and miss you when are you going to be home?"

"I'll be home in about 20 minutes. Do you want anything from the store?"

"No, and can you make that ten?"

My heart suddenly sped up, I had forgotten to turn off the porn in the background. The moaning was getting louder now.

"Whats going on in the background?"

"Uh nothing...."

"Is there something I should know?"

"Fine. I was watching porn."

"Oh, I can make that twenty minutes into ten."


I wanted to make something a little different... Here ya go ~stay undead~

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