Chapter 17

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    "So where to Zemo?" I asked as they led me down the halls of the building.

    "I wish I could say to the beach, but considering your misbehavior you like to put on, I have to say back to your cell."

    "Well that sucks, where were those men taking me before I got away?" I asked, looking back to the guards following us with a smirk on my face, and they just rolled their eyes.

    "Well, I figured you'd want to get some sleep, you look a little tired." Zemo said, slightly showing some concern.

    "Aw, are you concerned about my well-being Zemo? I am just- speechless. Who knew you were such a softy?" I nudge at his shoulder, earning a smile from the man along with an eyeroll.

    "Very funny, and yes I am concerned, especially with what they have planned for you y/n, much rest and strength will be exactly what you need, trust me."

    "I already made a mistake of trusting you once, and I dont think I wanna make that same mistake, no offense of course." He sighed as we turned onto another hall, entering an elevator using an ID card of his.

    The elevator led us down for quite a while, a couple floors down. The elevator doors opened and I immediately noticed the difference in these halls compared to the ones above. This hall was definitely more secured, then the rest.
    We walked down the hall for a minute or two before I caught my eye on someone...or something, I wasnt sure. He looked human, and seemed human. He was in a holding cell, thick glass as the walls. He had fluffy brunette hair, well-developed muscles, he was physically attractive.  He ran back and forth against the glass walls that didn't even budge. His running wasn't normal running though, it seemed faster, 10 or maybe 100 times faster. Blue streaks of light or energy it seemed, followed behind him, eventually wearing off once he came to a stop. It was weird, definitely not normal but very intriguing.
I was curious.

I looked down to the next room of glass walls, bring my attention on a female this time, it was the Maximoff girl. She held out her hands as a red glow appeared, surrounding her palms, she was levitating some building blocks. She looked almost tranced, her focus only being on those blocks and the energy between them. It was...breath taking. She was also breathtaking, but seeing what she was doing, I am guessing with her mind? It was an extraordinary thing to see. I was still curious.

    "Who's that one to the left?" I leaned over to Zemo, whispering to him. Zemo looked to whom I was referring too.

     "Ah, that is the second Maximoff twin. Definitely a charmer, and a bit too cocky for anyone's liking. Kind of sounds like you."
    "You guys would definitely get along", He laughed with his arm tugging me toward the next hallway to go down.

    "Well I am always open to making new friends", I finished the conversation as a silence took over the hallways. We make it to our destination, and by the looks of the room decor, I instantly regret not taking that nap offer.

    The guards took over while Zemo stood back, watching as the guards took me to the table, strapping me in. I didnt see a point in fighting them so I let them do their worse.

    "Good Evening Ms. y/n" A man with a white coat walked in, sitting in a stool right beside my head.

    "What are you going to do to me?" I questioned slightly intimidated and panicking on the inside.

    "We are just going to take some tests, blood samples, tissue samples, and thatll be all for today." I nervously swallowed the lump in my throat as he continued hooking me up to this machine that was hovering over me. Almost like the same one I saw over that Maximoff girl.

    Once the doctor was done receiving what he needed, I suddenly began to feel queasy and dizzy. After they unstrapped me, I tried to stand up, instantly failing at the attempt. Before I fell face first onto the ground, I was caught. I looked up to see Zemo grasping my arm and waist as he ordered someone for a wheelchair. At this point my head was throbbing and the light in the building did not help, only made things worse. The slightest of movement even caused the pain to worsen.

    Zemo started wheeling me down the halls, we were walking past the holding cells, when the Maximoff twins caught my attention, still occupying themselves. I tried to look, catching the girls attention, but only for a second until the lights just caused my head to ache even more, squinting my eyes, trying to avoid the bright lights, it was just too much for me to handle so I passed out.

Wandas Pov

It was a couple of hours since y/n stopped to basically warn me about this place. Ever since thats all I could think about. "What was she really on about? Did we make a mistake? Or was she just looney in the head?" All I wanted was answers and it seemed she was the only person who seemed to want to tell me.

I was in my holding cell, playing around with my Magic? Powers?  I don't even know what to call what is coming out of my hands, energy? but then a sudden wave of footsteps started coming up the hall, I paused my actions and looked out to see her. She was being wheeled out, I instantly made eye contact with her, but only for a second or two until she fainted?

    They did something to her and it made this bubbly, worrying feeling overcome me. My eyes couldn't keep off of her until they were out of sight within seconds. I turned my body the other way where my back was slouching against the wall, my mind was everywhere, all I could think about was   y/n, the reason Pietro and I were here, the causes of why we're here. My mind and thoughts bringing back that aching pain I had still of the reasoning of why we are here. The pain I buried along time ago was slowing building its way back up. The feeling soon became anger. I could feel my blood boiling, and then my attention watched as the red glow simmered from my hands. I was still new to this ability and definitely had no control over it.

    Back to my thoughts, y/n seemed to take charge of, with me thinking of only her and my questions that needed answers, I was worried for someone who I don't even know, but how can I not worry? She has the answers that I believe I need, and soon enough I will get them.


A/n: Hey guys, sorry I didn't post this Saturday like I said I would.

This weekend didn't go as planned, We lost our family dog of 12 years Saturday evening, and it's been hitting me hard.

I thought writing would make me feel better and it did a little bit, so I hope this chapter is good enough.

Also I start my new job this week, and it's full time, so hopefully I will still be able to post every other day. I will keep y'all updated. Anyways...Enjoy!

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