Chapter 38

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Y/n's pov

    The brightness of the lights blinded me as we entered the lit up hallway. Wondering how long it had been exactly since the last time they had taken me back. With being locked up for days or even weeks, time usually gets away from you. I could've been locked up for a year and wouldn't have a clue.

    The two guards had an arm around each of mine walking me to- what i'm assuming the laboratory. Making our way through the halls, through the last set of stairs that led to the furthest floor down, specially created for the sole purpose of detaining and incarcerating enhanced individuals, such as myself "apparently". Along with others i've met over the time I've been here. Down to the best assassin's to the worlds most powerful creations.
Starting with the one and only- Ruby Hale. Daughter of former General leader of hydra up until my brother and I escaped taking her dignity with us.. meaning her life. After that downfall, apparently Rubes found herself in a bit of a pickle here even with being their top agent...
To the next cell-like cube beside her is Francis known as "the punisher", i'm not too sure myself about why- but I heard he's really good at murdering people?
Anyways- My favorite of them all- mostly because I annoy the shit out of the man but on the inside I know he loves my company; Logan "Wolf" ? No it's "Wolverine". I usually call him wolfie just because he HATES it. He has these dope metal claws and a killer hair cut, it's definitely grown out since the last time i've seen him. but moving on..
Daisy Johnson. Real quirky and genuine that one. She escaped with me and my brother and shortly after we got separated and never seen her again.
Last but not least- she's a new one. Feisty but unintentionally funny. The Widow. Fairly new, got here around when I did, and she's russian so it makes it even better.
With this whole facility being about 5 floors built, The most dangerous people to the world or "to hydra" are held in the very last floor which technically isn't a floor- if it were its the 6th- but quite literally a dungeon- where the threats are contained. Secretly, when i'm in my cell up top (where Wanda currently is) I don't mind the peace and quiet but most of time the loneliness gets to me, although i've known it well over the years, I simply can't get over the feeling of being utterly alone. Except now- I wasn't completely alone.

    I have Wanda.

    Sure she isn't physically here at the moment, but just hearing her say those words earlier made my heart soar. I never knew how much a person could mean to someone until she appeared. Someone I never knew I needed until now.
    The metal clanging from my handcuffs cut me out of my daze about a particular girl. The cold metal releasing my hands never felt so good- until they were replaced with the leather ones once I had laid across the table. Confused and terrified at the scene in front of me, this wasn't just a testing...A testing was a bunch of questions about how I was feeling and some drawn blood, but this- this was beyond that. Seeing the large machine over the metal chair, huge needles sticking out made me want to scream just by looking at it.

    "Uh- Wh-what's this?" I questioned, my gaze examining every piece of the room.

"It's your big day y/n. And if it goes as planned then it'll just be another step in the right direction of our future.

"Y-you guys said this wa-was a check up- a regular check up! Th-this is torture-" I tried fighting back, shrugging the guards off of me but it was no use since there was only one of me.
    "No! Let me go! Please- please, I-I don't deserve this!" I cried out and cried out, each guard grabbing ahold of each of my limbs making it even more difficult for me to get free.

"This is for the best y/n! Calm down or so help me-" The ravened haired woman huffs while jotting down some things on her pad and a second later Strucker walks in, which caught the guards attention, giving me a chance to break free. With a single kick to one of the guards crotch, it was simple from there. One guard down on his knees as the next three came following after. In a swift motion I took a hold of one of the guards into a chokehold while my other hand grabbed his pistol that was on his waist. Aiming it between Strucker and the others.
    "I said No! Put your weapons down or this guy gets it. I swear to god!" I shoved the barrel more into his head, my nerves uneasy for having this situation come to this.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 18, 2023 ⏰

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