I Guess

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I couldn't believe that Andy was sitting next to me! I blushed deeply and looked down at the sand.

"I-I'm going through some stuff at home and the stress just got to me, but I'm fine." I stood up and walked over to my guitar. Andy followed me over and grabbed my guitar case before I could. My anger flared as he attempted to keep it away from me.

"Andy, please give it back." I said out of breath. He stood on the other side of the merry-go-round and grinned.

"As long as I can get your name."

"Katherine Thomas, or Kat. Now, hand it over. That was given to me by my Grandmother."

Andy jumped from the merry-go-round and walked over to me. He handed me the guitar and scratched the back of his head with his free hand.

"Well, Kat-"

"I need to get to band practice." I interrupted him, angrily. I looked at his face, into his deep blue eyes and almost melted. I turned away quickly trying to hide my blushing face and began to walk away. "You were my idol, my inspiration but now I realize you are just an asshole."

"Kat, Wait." I continued to walk, trying to ignore him but he caught up and walked right beside me.

"I'm sorry. I shouldn't have done that. Especially after you were just crying. I've just been having a rough time also. My band and I just moved here and you are the first person I have met, that hasn't attacked me or wanted an autograph. I just wanted you to stay longer but all I did was piss you off." Andy stopped right in front of me blocking my path.

"Just let me make it up to you Kat. How about dinner tomorrow night?" I looked up at his slightly pouting face and couldn't say no.

"I guess. My house is on the corner of Chester and Main. I have to go." I moved to his right and was amazed he let me go.

"I'll pick you up at 7." I waved over my head and continued to walk to practice.

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