Trip To His Place

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A few days had passed and it was already Friday. Tomorrow we would be opening for Black Veil Brides. I was filled with excitement every time I thought about it. Andy and I had patched up or relationship and actually I was going to hang out at his place today.

I was in my bathroom, finishing my makeup when the doorbell rang. I threw my eyeliner back behind the mirror and ran to the door.

"Hey Kat. You ready?" Andy stood there looking very sexy.

"Just let me throw on some shoes." I invited him in as I left the room to find a pair of shoes. I finally found a pair or red and black Vans and slipped them on, leaving my room to go find Andy.

I found Andy right where I left him. He smiled at me when I entered the room and made my way over to him. We both left the apartment and I locked the door, before following him to the car.

"Ashley asked if it was alright if we picked up Sadie. I think they really like each other." Andy started the engine once I entered the car.

"That's fine with me. I'm glad they are hitting it off." We pulled away from the apartment and I had to give Andy directions. We finally reached Sadie's house after fifteen minutes of driving. "Let me just run inside and get her." I quickly made my way into the house and into Sadie's room.

"Hey Kat." Sadie said as I opened the door.

"Hey wanna go hang out with Ashley at his place?" Sadie squealed, making me cover my ears. "Oww! Don't do that again!"

"Sorry!" I uncovered my ears and watched Sadie run around like a lost dog.

Finally she was ready and we headed out to the car. Andy was sitting there singing along to Motley Crue. Sadie giggled and entered the car. We drove past my parents house, Bastian's house, and my new apartment until we came up to this off white house with a fenced in yard. Rose bushes lined the fence, the only open space on the fence was the gate opening. Trees were spaced largely throughout the yard. I noticed the curtains that covered every window.

"It's for privacy. We have to cover the windows otherwise we get paparazzi or fans spying on us." Andy led us through the gate and up to the front door, where he unlocked both locks and turned to us. "It might be a bit messy. They are searching for their gear for tomorrow so it might be a little hectic."

Andy opened the door and invited us in. Sadie and I stood there and watched CC and Jinxx run from room to room. Andy scratched the back of his head nervously. 

"Uh... Let me tell Ashley you are here, unless you want to surprise him." Andy started walking. Sadie and I followed him, looking at all the things they had. "Well this is it." He knocked on the door. "You decent?"

"Yeah come on in!" Andy opened the door slightly and put his hand on Sadie's back. Andy nudged his head toward the room and watched as she entered the room.

"So... uh.. What do you want to do?"

"Shouldn't you be getting ready like the other guys? Maybe I can help."

"Sure. I was just going to wear my usual leathers." Andy turned and began walking to his room.

"Well maybe we could spice it up a little bit." I laughed.

Andy laughed and opened his bedroom door, only to be knocked to the floor by a dog. The dog started rapidly licking his face. Andy laughed as he tried to stand back up.

"Aww so cute!" I started petting the dog to draw the attention from Andy.

"Yeah. I'm watching him for a friend while he's on his honeymoon." Andy brushed off his clothes and proceeded into his room. We spent about an hour picking out his gear for tomorrows show. Jake walked in looking a little tired.

"All set for tomorrow?" Jake yawned and leaned up against the door frame.

"Yep. We just finished actually. What about you guys?" Andy asked as he placed the gear on his dresser.

"Did you ask her yet?" I noticed Jake's eyes glance at me before returning to Andy.

"Ask me what?" I looked over at Andy curiously.

"Well the guys and I wanted to know if you wanted to play with us tomorrow." Andy walked over to his bed and fell on it, his hair covering his face, making me laugh.

"Sure. Are you guys practicing later? That way I can figure out the line up and all that."

"Yeah. We are practicing after everyone is finished. You can use one of my guitars if you want to." Jake yawned again, making me feel tired.

"Thanks." Jake nodded and left the room.

"Speaking of guitars, Your guitar. Why didn't you tell me sooner?" Andy sat up and looked into my eyes.

"The right time never came up." I bit my lip and sat on the bed next to him.

Andy smiled and leaned over, capturing me in a kiss. I smiled and kissed him back as he leaned closer, making me fall backwards onto the bed. He moved to lay on top of me as he kissed me with more intensity. I ran my hands through his hair as he ran his hand up my thigh, making me moan against his lips.

"Whoa guys!" Sorry to intrude on your... um... fun." Andy quickly stood up and began messing with his hair. I blushed deeply and looked away from Jinxx, as I sat back up.

"Did you need something?" Andy asked, still sounding a little breathless. 

"Christian needs some help. The others are already helping but we need one more set of hands." Jinxx walked away, leaving us alone again.

"Just wait here. It shouldn't take too long." Andy kissed me again before leaving me alone in his room. I sat on his bed and looked around the room.

Ten minutes passed and Andy hadn't returned, but what worried me the most was how quiet the house was. I debated going to find them or staying like Andy said to do, but as soon as I stood I heard Andy laughing down the hallway. 

"Sorry that took so long. Guess CC put on a little weight and was having trouble fitting into his jeans." He began to laugh again as he walked over to me. "Ready for practice?" I nodded and followed him from his room and down to the basement.

The basement looked like a recording studio. Equipment was all over the room and instruments were hanging from walls and sitting around the room. Jake walked over to a midnight blue B. C. Rich and handed it to me. Everyone got into their places as we readied to begin. I couldn't believe I was going to play with them tomorrow.

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