The Sad News

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I awoke the next morning and began to freak when I noticed my alarm clock read 11a.m. I was supposed to be packing my things to move into my new place hours ago. My phone started to vibrate and I noticed 5 new messages from Andy. I rolled back to the middle of my bed and went through my messages.

After I finished texting Andy back, I sighed and closed my eyes. I had forgotten to tell my parents that I was moving out last night...

I stood up and walked over to my door before I realized how silent the house was today. I walked down the hallway and emerged into the kitchen to find both of my parents sitting at the counter. They had cups of coffee in hand and grim expressions plastered on their faces. Something was up and I didn't like the eerie feeling that I was getting.

"Mom, what's wrong?" She continued to stare into her coffee mug. "Dad? Will somebody tell me please?" My father bit his lip and finally turned to look at me.

"Kat, It's about Paul." I rushed over to him, my eyes filled with terror.

"What happened to Dusty? Is he okay?" I grabbed my cell from my pocket and dialed his number, but my father stopped me.

"He was in a major accident last night. His mother was driving him home from band practice and wasn't watching the road. They crashed head on into a tree. Paul's mother died at the scene and Paul is in critical condition. He is also in a coma. He might not make it Kat." Tears began to roll down my cheeks and my mother stood up to wrap me in a hug.

We stood there until my tears wouldn't come anymore and I was softly hiccuping. I grabbed my phone to check the time and almost screamed. It was already 5:30 and I needed to get ready for Andy.

I ran and grabbed the dress and a towel before hopping into the shower. When I was finished I threw on some Passion fruit lotion and carefully slipped into the dress. I brushed out my hair and went to find my black and red striped stockings while i waited for my hair to dry. I rushed to my closet to try to find a decent pair of shoes and finally found a pair of black heels.

When my hair was finally dry I straightened it and threw on some makeup. Just as I was putting on the finishing touches the door bell rang and I threw down my eyeliner to race to the door. My father was about to open the door and I rushed over to him.

"Let me get that dad." He looked me over and I could tell he didn't like my apparel but he stepped aside and let me answer the door. 

"Hey Andy." I smiled at him and motioned for him to come inside.

"Hey Kat. Nice place you have here." He smiled back at me and looked around as I shut the door. My fathers eyebrows knitted together when he realized who was standing in his home.

"Mom, Dad, This is Andrew Biersack. Andy, this is my father Seth Thomas and my mother Andrea Thomas." Andy smiled and shook both of their hands before looking over at me.

"So are you ready for our date?" I nodded and blushed as he walked back over to the door. 

"Have fun Kat." I noticed the pain in my fathers face, making my smile fade and I looked to the floor.

"I'll be back later." I walked over to the door and left the house without another glance at either of my parents.

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