The Final Chapter

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A/N this chapter is after a long time skip but I thought it would be a perfect ending to the story :)

10 years is a long time, yet it doesn't feel that way. Andy and I had a child who was turning 10 on Andy's birthday. Black Veil Brides and Silent Screams were really big hits still and were taking over the world with their music. Andy and I still sang together and I rocked with Jake and Jinxx.

We continued to tour around and we occasionally had long periods of time to spend as a family. We had bought a Lake house not too long after the wedding and we raised our son, Andrew Dennis Biersack II. Sometimes things got complicated, like when I called out the wrong name and wanted Andrew instead of my husband.

About a year after we got married, Sadie and Ash got hitched and had twins. they named the girl Ashley Marie Purdy and their son was named Dylan Jay Purdy. Sadie came with us on tour and had to share a room with me. Bastian was nice enough to room with Dusty and allow our children to take his room.

Ashley, Dylan and Andrew grew up with each other and seeing as we are all really close friends, we never kept them apart. Of course, Andrew, was the trouble maker of the group, he had gotten that from his father.He also got his talent from us. Jake was nice enough to come over, sometimes with the help of Jinxx, to give Andrew guitar lessons. They didn't go without payment. I would cook them an extra big feast and invite everyone over.

Ashley ended up with an amazing voice and sang along with Andrew's playing and Dylan's beats. Sadie had made it my job to help Ashley with the pitches and tones, while Dylan was being taught by CC. He was amazingly talented and could almost play perfectly at only age 9. One afternoon I was bringing out some lemonade when I overheard them talking.

"Ash, Dyl, we should make a band like our parents!" Andrew jumped up and had the biggest grin on his face. Ashley blushed and nodded while Dylan jumped up also, to give Andrew a high-five.

"I'm not telling you that you can't but I will warn you guys. It's a lot of hard work." I handed them their glasses and looked up into the sky.

"I'll do whatever it takes!" I smiled at my sons enthusiasm.

"Well let me give you one piece of advice. Never let anyone tell you that you can't do anything. You can do anything you set your mind to." They all nodded at me and I turned to walk inside but ruffled Andrews hair before walking away.

"Mom!" He whined and tried to fix his hair. Ashley and Dylan laughed and Andrew pointed at the angrily. "It's not funny! Let's see how you like it!" He ran over to them and roughly messed up their hair.

"Hey!" Dylan tried to back away but wasn't quick enough. Dylan tried to fight back but Andrew ran away quickly.

"Betcha can't catch me!" Andrew stuck his tongue out and I watched the twins smile evilly and chase after him. I smiled and laughed as I turned to find Andy watching us out of the sliding glass doors. He smiled warmly and came out to join us.

"Morning gorgeous." He walked up to me and kissed me, placing both hands on my hips.

"Morning? It's already 1." I laughed against his lips and looked into his eyes.

"Why didn't you wake me up?" He pouted slightly and I gently bit his lip and pulled.

"Cause you looked so happy and peaceful. I need to head back in though. I was in the making of our lunch." I kissed him again and walked toward the house.

 "Kat?" His tone make me stop and turn.

"What is is Andy?" He could tell I was worried.

"I love you!" He smiled widely as I rolled my eyes.

"I love you too." I smiled. "Don't scare me like that." I went back inside and continued to make lunch. I put together sandwiches and chips, simple outdoor food, and brought it out to the picnic table before calling everyone to eat.

Once we were finished eating, Sadie came to pick up the twins and Andy and Andrew went to play on the dock. I figured I would sit on the porch swing and watch them. They began to play king of the dock and wrestled. Andrew was quite strong already but it didn't help when Andy didn't use full strength. This time Andy looked like he was being a little too rough.

"Andy!" I yelled, making him look at me quickly. This gave Andrew the advantage and he quickly pushed his father off of the dock. Andrew started cheering, making me laugh hysterically. Andy emerged from the water and pointed at Andrew.

"Now it's on!" He lifted himself onto the dock and was trying to stand up when Andrew walked over to push him in but Andy was expecting him and pushed Andrew off of the dock.

I sat there watching them play for hours and, finally, once the sun was setting, they decided to join me on the swing. We sat there looking over the lake.

After all that I had been through, I had finally found a place to swing life away, with my charming but trouble making husband and our talented son.

A/N Please comment and rate! Hope you enjoyed it, I know I did writing it :)

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