Unexpected Package

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Practice ended quicker than I expected and I continued to play as Dusty began to pack up his guitar.

"Now, what did you want to say Kat?" I gave him a stupid look before remembering. I stood there a second, debating weather to tell them about running into Andy.

"Well, I'm thinking about moving out of my parents house. It's about time anyway. I'm looking near by so i can be close enough to still come to practice." I pulled my shoulder strap over my head and walked over to my case. Vexx came up beside me and slapped my back.

"I'm proud of you Thomas." Vexx always called me by my last name when he was really proud of me.

"Thanks Vexx." I smiled up at him and placed my guitar in the case and closed it before placing it shoulder. "Practice Wednesday?" 

"Don't be late Kat." Bastian said as he dropped down on his couch.

"I don't plan on it." I smiled to them all and ran up the stairs.

"Do you need a ride home Kat?" Bastian's mom was sitting in the living room, stitching Bastian's clothes back together. Bastian loves to skateboard but he always rips his clothes.

"No thanks, mom. I have a few places to stop before I head home." I waved at her before I closed the door and walked towards the apartment I was looking to rent.

The landlord was standing on the porch when I arrived.

"Good afternoon Ms. Thomas. Shall we start the tour?" I nodded and followed David into the building. 

The apartment seemed small but I didn't really need a bigger place if it was only me. We finished the tour quickly and i handed him the first months rent and deposit.

"Thanks for your business." David smiled.

"I have a feeling that I'm going to love it here." I shook Davids hand and he handed me the keys.

My phone suddenly rang and I looked at the screen. Mom popped up in bold black letters and I sighed.

"What do you want mom? I'm kinda busy."

"A package and a big envelope showed up for you. They were on our porch and there is no return address. Your father was going to open it but you are an adult now and it's an offense." My mom liked to get technical when it came to crimes. It was rather annoying.

"Mom, was there anything on the envelope or package? Anything at all?" I tapped my foot waiting for her response.

"There are two letters on them. A. B. What's that supposed to mean?" She started talking again but I was lost in thought. Finally the answer came to me. They were initials. Andy sent me the package and envelope... but why?

I hung up the phone and ran to the front door, locking it and ran down the street. I had to see what was in those gifts. curiosity was killing me.

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