The Visit

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The nurse at the desk was trying to give us a hard time but when Andy asked nicely and added a little pout, then nurse gave in and pointed the direction to Dusty's room. 

"He's in room 413. He sure is popular today." The nurse began to wrestle with papers so Andy and I made our way to the room. I had Andy hide around the corner so I could talk to the guys without them being distracted by Andy's presence.

Nate, Vexx and Bastian, all ran over to me and wrapped around me in a hug.

"Kat! We are glad you made it!" Tears were fresh on their faces.

"I would have been here sooner but my parents waited to tell me until this morning. I'm actually on a date right now. He brought me here." We ended our embrace and I was going to tell Andy to come out but Vexx placed a hand on my shoulder, turning my attention back to him.

"Kat, be prepared when you head in there. Paul looks....different... It will be hard to recognize him will all if the bruises and scrapes." Vexx smile was pained and layered with sadness.

"Thanks." I gave Vexx another hug. "Andy, you can come out now." Vexx pulled back and looked down at me curiously.

Andy walked around the corner and over to me, placing his hand in mine. Vexx and the others stared at us in amazement.

"Guys, you all know Andy Biersack. Andy, these are my band mates, Nate Valley or N.V, Sebastian or Bastian, and Valo Vexing who loves to be called Vexx."

Andy shook their hands and smiled at them. I was busy watching Dusty's father slip from the room and glare at me, like the accident was my fault, making me squeeze Andy's hand.

"Well, I guess it's our turn." Andy and I made our way into the room.

Dusty was laying with bandages in different places, almost like a wrapped mummy. Bruises spotted his body and cuts spread across his skin. I began to cry, for dusty, at how terrible he looked. I broke away from Andy and ran to Dusty's side.

"Oh Dusty! You look terrible! I always knew your mother or father would hurt you, just never physically like this! They treated you so rough and kept you locked up. You haven't had a chance to see the real world yet so you can't leave me! we have to experience it together little brother. I won't allow you to leave me!" I was practically yelling at him even though I knew it wouldn't help. My emotions had just gotten the better of me.

Andy walked over to me and placed both of his hands on my shoulders.

"Kat, yelling at him isn't going to help anyone. You need to be strong for him and he should come through this."

Andy sat in the chair next to Dusty's bed and began to talk to him. I sat back and listened, trying to relax.

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