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June, 2100

        Crystal Tokyo

It was the hundredth anniversary of the marriage and ascension of the Queen of Crystal Tokyo, Neo-Queen Serenity. Known to her family and closest friends as Serenity Shields or simply Serenity, she was the epitome of a peaceful ruler. Like her mother before her–Queen Serenity of Silver Millennium–she was fair, just, peaceful, and loving, among other things. She still had a bit of a temper to her at Times, but she was a far stronger woman than a lotta folks gave her credit for. But the fact that she was so benevolent, even when she wanted naught more than to simply Banish one to Nemesis, was more than enough reason to celebrate.

        Considering how great their duties were, Neo-Queen Serenity's most trusted friends and Guardians–the Sailor Scouts–were diligent about said duties. First and foremost, they were sworn to protect their Queen at all costs, just like when she'd been Princess Serenity of Silver Millennium. After that, they were her most trusted confidants, only second to her husband and their most esteemed King.

        For that reason, never once since Awakening as Sailor Mercury at the tender age of fourteen had Amy Mizuno even considered Love. Well, not when it came to the Romantic type obviously shared by the rulers of Crystal Tokyo, that is. Even though she was the Soldier of Water and Wisdom who fought for Love and Intelligence, she hadn't put any Thought toward finding a lover of her own. It wasn't that she thought such a thing beneath her, but rather that she was so focused on her duties as a Galactic Guardian.

        But on this particular Day, Amy couldn't help a soft sigh as she readied herself to head to the Crystal Chapel. Now that a Century'd passed since their Queen's ascension, she couldn't help but find herself starting to get a lil restless with her personal Life. She didn't dare shirk her Responsibilities in favor of finding Love, though, no matter how restless she got with this rut she was stuck in. Besides, she kinda wanted to make sure that Serenity was okay with such a thing before she actually did it.

        "Ready to go, Amy?"

        Looking back over her shoulder, she found the two Outer Guardians she'd grown closest to waiting in the doorway of her suite. "As I'll ever be, I guess."

        "What's wrong, Amy?" This was asked by Michelle, who'd Awakened as Sailor Neptune long before any of the Inner Guardians'd Awakened. "And don't tell me nothing–I'm the Soldier of the Sea and Intuition for a reason."

        "I know, I know," she laughed, her smile actually genuine. "And just as wise and Serenity and I in your own ways."

        "Ways you'll never Begin to understand, for sure," the older woman agreed.

        "I guess it's just that, after a Century now, I'm getting a lil restless," Amy sighed. "Not with being a Guardian, per sé–I think we all know we'd never give up our titles and duties, even if we could go back and actually get a choice."

        "Fair enough," Amara, the Guardian of the Sky and Fury, agreed. "But you're right–it does get a lil redundant when we do it Year after Year."

        "I've never really thought about much beyond protecting Serenity, and even Darien," she continued. "Even my mom kinda fell by the wayside once I Awakened as Sailor Mercury."

        "But now, you're craving Love," Michelle said, her tone Sagely as she nodded. "But not just any Love, right?"

        "Something more like what you've found with Amara, if I've to describe it," the youngest woman admitted with a nod of her own.

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