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August, 2100

It took the next two months for Amy to really and truly build up to anything more with her beloved, but she couldn't help the remaining Anxiety on her part. Zoisite was still every bit as patient with her as he'd ever been, but she could tell that even he was starting to get a bit frustrated. He never said anything of the sort aloud–to her, or to anyone else, as far as she knew–but there was a certain gleam in his eyes that was hard to miss. That gleam told her that–while he was elated that she'd finally allowed him to kiss her–he still wanted far more than she'd given him thus far.

        One Morn not long after the Sun'd entered the Zodiac sign of Leo, his mounting frustration was made all too clear. A soft, but somewhat irritated-sounding groan from his side of the bed was what'd woken the woman he was so smitten with. That led to her raising her head from where it'd been resting on his chest as she slept, her first sight sparking her Curiosity.

        Beneath the covers–which were pulled up to his waist, just as they always were when he was asleep–there was a ridge that she wasn't accustomed to seeing. Right in the middle of what'd be his lap, if he were sitting up, that ridge looked completely outta placeta her sleep-blurred vision. However, it was that same ridge that'd sparked her Curiosity, 'cuz she wanted to know not only what it was, but why it'd suddenly appeared.

        Zoisite jerked awake with a startled gasp as he felt a touch he wasn't accustomed to, which startled the curious young woman next to him. Realizing who it was and why she'd been touching him in such a way–even through his covers–he couldn't help a soft, gravelly laugh. He couldn't help waking up in such a condition most Morns anymore, although she usually wasn't in his suite when this happened. And if she was in his suite when he woke up thus–well, he usually managed to rise long before her and take care of his own problem so that she remained Blissfully unaware of it.

        "I'm sorry, Zoisite," Amy whimpered, quickly jerking her hand back.

        "There's naught to be sorry for," the blonde assured her. "You're just curious, and I see no reason to apologize for that."

        "But I hurt you," she said, unable to help biting her lip.

        Zoisite let out another groan as watching that action made the ridge in his lap twitch, which startled her again and reclaimed her attention.

        "What in the Cosmos...?" the young woman mused.

        "I wouldn't keep biting your lip, if I were you," he chuckled. "That's just gonna make me wanna go further with you more than I already do."

        Amy looked bewildered as she met his Emerald-green gaze again, her teeth having let go of her lip upon hearing his words.

        "'Tisn't uncommon for a man to wake up thus," the blonde told her, gesturing toward his lap. "You've just never seen it happen to me, 'cuz I usually rise before you when it does happen."

        "What is it, though?" she queried, her Curiosity rearing its head again.

        Not quite able to find the words through the fog enshrouding his brain, Zoisite simply kicked the covers off enough for her to see.

        The young woman's blue eyes widened as she took in the sight that was afforded to her by kicking the covers off. Having never seen a nekkid man before, she didn't even know what one looked like when he wasn't aroused. Seeing one already at full arousal like this was as intriguing as it was terrifying for her, but she bit back that Terror as she kept in mind that this man'd never hurt her.

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