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Before another two weeks'd passed, so many different Changes'd taken place within the Lives of two members of the Crystal Court. The Guardian of Water and Wisdom'd gained–well, a lil Wisdom, as it were after finally giving herself to the man she loved. Knowing she was still nowhere near as experienced as even Rei and Jadeite, let alone Darien and Serenity, she was content with learning things slowly as she gained that experience. The Deities oft associated with her Guardian Planet by various cultures only knew she'd be getting plenty of it in the near Future, if her man'd his way about it, that was for sure.

        Another significant Change that'd occurred before those two weeks could pass was mostly on the part of the Knight of Purity and Healing. He'd decided that–after waiting more or less two Millennia for such a chance–it was past Time that he ask for the hand of the woman he loved. But that required gaining a private audience with his King and Queen, which'd taken a few Days after being Graced with the one gift he'd Begun to think he'd never get.

        Seeing Zoisite's Sincerity when he'd bowed to them before standing at-ease in front of them, they hadn't been able to deny the permission he sought. Darien and Serenity could both see that he honestly wanted to proposeta their friend, but was just old-fashioned enough to do things a certain way. Given that she no longer had any parentsta ask such permission of, they knew that they were the closest he was gonna get. For those reasons, they'd granted permission for him to make such a proposal, which'd been answered with an ecstatic grin before he'd managed to compose himself.

        It was that very Night that Amy'd gathered with her fellow Guardians, adorned with a new piece of jewelry that'd quickly caught their attention. In keeping with the Colors of her Guardian uniform, the ring that now Graced her left ring finger sported two different blue Stones. The bigger of the two–which was mounted in the Center of its Silver band–was Sapphire, so it was Darker in Color. On either side of it was a chunk of Celestite about half its size, which mimicked the Lighter blue in the bows on the front and back of her uniform. All of her friends and fellow Guardians considered it a wearable work of Art, but they also knew exactly what it meant.

        With his proposal made and accepted, the blonde was roped into helping plan his wedding, just like any other bridegroom before him. First and foremost, he'd to decide who he wanted to stand at the Altar with him as his best man, which wasn't a very hard decision. He was relatively close with the other three Heavenly Kings, but if he'd to say he was closest with any of them, he'd say he was closest with Kunzite. Said Knight wasn't the slightest bit surprised to be chosen as his best man, the twinkle in his blue eyes saying that he knew more than he admitted to. Luckily for the newly-betrothed couple's sake, he continued keeping his mouth shut as the wedding planning started in earnest, starting with choice Colors.

        Naturally, the couple wanted as much blue as possible involved, considering the Colors in Amy's Guardian uniform. But considering that her betrothed wore a uniform trimmed in green–even back during the Time of Silver Millennium–and sported Emerald-green eyes, they also wanted green incorporated somehow. That much was easy to accomplish, 'cuz all they really needed to do was commission a fancier version of his uniform, and he was good to go.

        On the other hand, the young woman's desire was a bit harder to manage, but still one that was able to be done before her big Day. She didn't think the dress she wore as Princess Mercury during Silver Millennium was quite fancy enough, but she liked the design of it. To that End, she decided to have it remade so that the body was the typical white of a wedding dress from neckline to hem. The trim that ran along said neckline and made up the thin straps that settled over her shoulders like a tank top were the Darker shade of blue from her uniform. Rounding out her Colors, the training accents were the Darker blue that made up parts of her uniform such as the skirt. It was an all-around gorgeous dress, one that was most definitely befitting of its wearer, and accented her Beauty without being gaudy.

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