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By the End of that first Night's celebration since the festivities were planned for a full month, Amy was pleasantly exhausted. She enjoyed any Time that she got to just relax and unwind from patrolling her quadrant as a Sailor Guardian, and this was no different. Well, it was certainly noisier and brighter than how she usually preferred to unwind, which was curled up with a good book. However, she still wasn't one to turn down a chanceta spend some Time with her closest friends, even if it exhausted her within the first week.

        Just as she was about to start making her roundsta bid said closest friends good Night, the Queen, herself started across the room. Whether it was on formal business or just to find a quiet spot to chat, she knew better than to try dodging Serenity. Not only was it rude and disrespectful, but she couldn't have found it in herself to ignore her friend on a personal level.

        "I swear, he's starting to get on my nerves," she chuckled as she gently tugged the short-haired woman outside to the Garden.

        "I thought you loved Darien, though," Amy mused.

        "No, not him–although, I'll admit that he does get annoying sometimes," the Queen laughed. "Then again, I'm sure Queen Serenity once felt the same way about my father from Time to Time."

        "Then who's getting on your nerves?" she queried. "Or am I being too forward by inquiring?"

        "Zoisite," Serenity answered without the slightest hesitation, telling her that she wasn't being too forward with her. "I swear, he's it bad, but he's more of a chickenshit than one'd take him for at first glance."

        The slightly older, but lower-ranking woman wasn't quite sure what to say, so she simply kept quiet and let her friend rant.

        "I told him that he'd be better off just making a move, if he's that interested in you," she continued, taking her by surprise.

        "Come again?" Amy's jaw dropped at the same Time her own blue eyes widened.

        "Yeah, you heard me clearly," the Queen told her with a grin. "Zoisite's had his eye on you for a while–he just hasn't made any moves, 'cuz to him, you don't seem receptive."

        "Well, I've been focused on protecting you and Darien like I've been sworn to do since Silver Millennium," she argued gently.

        "Don't gimme that shit, Amy," Serenity said. "You're so painfully shy, I daresay you'd think a Tree'd turn you down, if you asked one out."

        The slightly older woman's cheeks flushed since she knew her friend was right.

        "Either make a move on him, or give him some kinda sign that he's free to make one on you," she told her. "I really don't wanna have to use the Silver Crystal on one of the Four Heavenly Kings in a bad way, after all."

        "You wouldn't do that, and I think we both know it," Amy laughed. "But in all seriousness, I'm not sure I've it in me to make any moves on Zoisite, even if having your approval makes it a lil easier."

        The Queen looked her dead in the eye and made it clear that that was why she'd said to just give the blonde a sign that he could make a move on her instead. Her shyness'd been pretty obvious since the Day they'd met as teenagers in middle school, so she was well aware that she wasn't likely to make the first move with any man. She knew that she was more likely to wait for a man to make the first move–but if she acted like she wasn't receptive, no man ever would.

        Letting out a heavy sigh, the slightly older woman looked down at her feet for a few moments, then back up at her friend. She told Serenity that she really wasn't sure about making any moves, not only 'cuz she was so shy, but 'cuz Zoisite'd also never seemed interested in her. He'd nod respectfully under formal circumstances or make small talk under informal ones, and that was the extent of their interactions together. Well, that was outside when any strategizing as Guardians needed to be done, or something of the like, that is.

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