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At the obligatory reception that followed their wedding and Crowning of Zoisite as Prince Mercury, Amy struggled to keep herself composed. It wasn't that she was overly anxious or anything–not like she was as she'd walked down the aisle, that is. No, this was a whole different breed of Anxiety altogether, but she didn't wanna discuss its cause with anyone just yet. For all Intents and purposes, this was as private a matter as the Night to come after the newly-wedded couple left their reception to seek their suite.

        However, said newly-Crowned Prince was as in-tune with his new wife as he'd ever been in all the Centuries that'd passed since their original meeting during Silver Millennium. Careful not to handle her too roughly, now that his excitement'd dwindled a bit, he gently pulled her outta the Crystal Ballroom to the adjoining Garden. Naturally, he wanted to know what was wrong with her, 'cuz he knew damn good and well that something was amiss. What he didn't know was exactly what was wrong, but he could tell that she wouldn't be honest with him, as long as they weren't alone. Only getting her to himself for even five minutesta get her to open up like a wife should be with her husband.

        But out in the Garden, the young woman startled him when she let out a distressed burp, which was quickly followed by an equally distressed moan. Quicker than he could even think, she was hiking up the skirts of her wedding dress so she could dart over to the nearest clump of bushes. Dropping to her knees–which'd no doubt be bruised from the harsh landing, at the least–she leaned over the dirt and started to retch.

        "Amy, my love–what's amiss?" he asked, kneeling down beside her.

        Amy physically couldn't answer him as she retched again.

        "Get it all out, my love," the blonde murmured, somehow managing to grab her hair so he could hold it back for her, considering how short it was.

        "Zoisite–what's amiss out here?"

        Glancing back over his shoulder, Zoisite saw that Kunzite'd come looking for them.

        "Dear Goddess," he breathed as he came over to kneel on her other side and rub her back. "Do we need to fetch the Palace physician?"

        "N-No," the young woman finally managed. "I-I'm f-fine."

        "You don't look fine to me," Kunzite told her in no uncertain terms.

        "He's right, my love," her new husband agreed, gently tipping her head back to get a good look at her face in the growing Twilight.

        "To be quite honest, she looks like Mina right before–" His white-haired friend's eyes widened as something apparently clicked for him.

        "Before what?" Zoisite asked, cocking a brow at him curiously.

        "Nope, not happening, brother," he laughed, gently patting the bride's upper back. "Not my newsta share, and I doubt I'll get a very nice reception, if I do."

        The blonde's curious look shifted to one of utter confusion as he pushed himself back to his feet.

        "I'll keep the others at bay for a few minutes," Kunzite told them, winking as he turned to head back into the Crystal Ballroom. "I think saying you needed some Air will suffice."

        Nodding, Amy allowed her new husband to help her back to her feet, where she found her knees almost too shaky to walk. Luckily, the furthest he led her for the moment wasta a nearby bench, where he got her settled before settling next to her. The look in his Emerald-green eyes showed several Emotions, the biggest at the moment being concern on his part.

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