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Even though it no doubt seemed pretty quick to a lotta folks–especially for folks Destined to live roughly a Millennium–by the Time the festivities reached their final End, quite a bit of progress'd been made. All of the Inner Guardians were now paired up with their corresponding Heavenly King, each of them having gotten to various states in their relationships. In fact, other than technically being spoken for now, another thing they all had in common was that they were spending less and less Time alone in their own suites.

        While the Guardian of Flame and Passion was the only one who'd gone for a home run, so to speak, all the others were at least getting a lil more intimate with their partners. It seemed like the Guardian of Love and Beauty was gonna be the next to take that step, but one could always be surprised. She might very well be beaten to taking that step by the Guardian of Thunder and Courage, after all.

        As they gathered in the library to brush up on their research for a few things, Amy couldn't help that her concentration was slipping for once. She'd always been the most studious, and therefore the one whose focus almost couldn't be broken by anything once she'd her sights and attention set on something. But in spending more and more Time with Zoisite–particularly by usually spending the Night in his suite now–she found her mind wandering.

        "Earth to Amy!"

        Startled outta her most recent Daydream, the Guardian of Water and Wisdom gasped sharply as she jumped, scattering the papers she'd been reading over.

        "Jeez, you were out as far as Pluto, weren't you?" This question'd been asked by Lita, who couldn't help laughing at her reaction as she helped her gather those papers again.

        "Maybe further than that," she answered, feeling her face flushing.

        "Thinking about Zoisite again?" Rei chuckled, a knowing grin on her face.

        "As if you're not thinking about Jadeite all the Time!" Amy retorted, her good-Natured grin belying any malice.

        "Not like I'd try to deny it," she told her. "I never thought a man'd be as good in bed as he is, but jeez..."

        "Yeah, jeez is right!" the Guardian of Thunder and Courage laughed. "We don't wanna or need to know that kinda stuff about you!"

        "I meant, considering his title, you'd think he'd be more like a shy virgin," she said. "No pun toward Amy Intended, of course."

        "I know what you mean, Rei," the Guardian of Water and Wisdom sighed. "I can't help being so painfully shy, although it's starting to be more and more of a nuisance–and not just to Zoisite, patient as he's always been with me."

        The rest of the Inner Guardians–including Mina, the Guardian of Love and Beauty–settled around her when she let out a frustrated sigh. Outta all the Time they'd known each other, the only Time they hadn't really banded together was before they were reawakened after the defeat of the Dark Kingdom. Knowing that something was bothering her, they weren't gonna let her suffer alone, although they weren't Intent on pushing her before she was ready to talk.

        Amy surprised herself, though, by almost immediately opening up to her friends about some of her deepest Thoughts. She was adamant about wanting to take the next step with the Knight she'd been paired with since Antiquity, aside from one particular drawback. Course, one couldn't blame her for having that drawback, but part of her thought it humiliating and silly.

        While it mighta been a lil fast for some people, she was almost desperately wanting to take that next step with Zoisite. Her only problem there was that she'd never been with a man in any way, shape, form, or fashion till they'd started courting a couple weeks ago. She'd absolutely no experience with a man, and therefore didn't know how to handle any situations that could possibly crop up. If she were to kiss him, was she supposed to let it go further than that, even if she didn't wanna go quite that far just yet? Or should she just hold fast to not letting him go further than holding her hand, maybe kissing her cheek from Time to Time?

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