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Zoisite couldn't have been happier that, although she'd hesitated slightly, Amy hadn't rejected his request to court her. In fact, he'd been utterly giddy as he rose back to his full height, his grin infectious as he gazed down at her. Still, he hadn't tried to push her too far by trying to kiss her–he'd simply settled for pulling her against his torso for a tight hug.

        After escorting her back to her suite when she expressed a sudden exhaustion, he'd decided to head back to his own suite. The constant festivities were starting to take their toll on even him, despite the fact that he generally loved being around people. He just didn't feel up to socializing anymore for right now, and thankfully, both his King and Queen well understood. They even helped him slip out unnoticed by anyone else so not even the other three Heavenly Kings'd disturb him on his way to the West Wing of the Crystal Palace.

        Once locked safely away in his suite, the Knight of Purity and Healing divested of his formal party outfit he'd donned hours ago. If he wasn't gonna be in the midst of the festivities anymore, he saw no reason he couldn't change into something far less formal. That included freeing the blonde hair that garnered him a lotta attention by falling down his back much like a woman's. After all, even he wasn't immune to a headache from keeping it tied back, especially with the stress of his duties added to it.

        Zoisite didn't bother trying to fight his arousal once he stepped into his shower a few minutes later, either. He hadn't been lying when he'd said that he'd felt a certain pull to the Guardian of Water and Wisdom back before the Dark Kingdom's fall. But he'd never tried to act on it before, 'cuz he was a far more honorable man than to force himself on any woman. While it certainly wasn't preferable compared to other options, he'd rather take care of his own needs than spook the woman he was so interested in. Not only that, but he preferred not giving Serenity a reason to turn the Power of the Silver Crystal against him, which he was sure forcing himself on a woman–especially one of her closest friends–would get her to do in a heartbeat.

        A groan rumbled up from the depths of his torso as he took himself in hand, his eyes slipping shut as he tilted his head back against the wall of his shower. The sensation of the chilly Crystal along his spine only added to what he was already feeling, which caused his fist to tighten around his shaft. But the images that appeared once those Emerald-green eyes were closed did naught to help his plight, either. If anything, they only added to those sensations, causing his breath to hitch as his hips bucked forward into his grip. All he could see was the blue-gray of Amy's hair, the beautiful blue of her eyes, and that led his mind down quite the adventurous road.

        Zoisite's breath came faster and faster as he imagined her sprawled out beneath him, her pale flesh flushed with Passion. He watched the imaginary version of her close her eyes, her mouth opening in a Silent scream as she found pleasure at his touch. It was something he'd oft imagined and even Dreamt about late at Night since meeting her, but he'd never thought it'd actually happen. But her agreeing to let him court her meant that that was a distinct possibility, which made him surprise himself in the here-and-now. Overcome by the sensations brought to him by his own Imagination and hand, he'd to bite back a loud cry as he found Bliss. Thankfully, being in the shower took care of cleaning up the mess, but he wouldn't deny that he Wished he hadn't been forced to find this Bliss alone once again instead of finally getting his heart's greatest desire.

Over the next couple weeks, the Knight of Purity and Healing found himself growing in Happiness, even though he still hadn't gotten everything he wanted. He knew getting Amy to open up to him entirely'd take Time, and while he wasn't quite as patient as one of his compatriots, he was willing to wait. If there was one thing he wanted besides his Guardian equivalent, it was that she come to him completely when she was ready, and if that meant waiting, he was willing to wait.

        But Zoisite was no idiot, and far more observant than a lotta folks oft gave him credit for, even a Century after the establishment of Crystal Tokyo. He was quick to notice that the other three Heavenly Kings seemed to be in better moods than they'd ever been before. Well, Nephrite wasn't quite living up to half his Knightly title, but that was a matter of lil import when it was all said and done.

        As the Knight of Virtue and Affection, Kunzite seemed like he was falling well more in Love than he'd ever been before. Nobody was foolish enough to think he was falling for anyone but the Guardian of Love and Beauty, whom he'd been in Love with as his Silver Millennium Incarnation. But it seemed that that particular Guardian was falling for him just as much in Return, which was all for the better. Maybe he'd make enough progress with her for their relationship to progressta the next level, even if it didn't involve marriage just yet.

        In keeping with his title as the Knight of Patience and Harmony, Jadeite seemed to be trying to take his Time with wooing his polar opposite. But it seemed that in keeping with her own title, the Guardian of Flame and Passion wasn't having any of that. She seemed to be able to get under the skin of the short-haired blonde in a way that made their relationship progress on steroids, but that wasn't necessarily a bad thing. Even though it mighta been better that he waited for anything sexual, at least he seemed satisfied by the woman he'd chosen. Besides, getting that kinda satisfaction now only added to how patient and harmonious he tended to be, which allowed him to break up any disagreements between his compatriots before they could get outta hand.

        And as previously stated, Nephrite seemed to be living up to only half his Knightly title at the moment, which wasn't much of a surprise. In being the Knight of Wisdom and Comfort, he was forever every bit as wise as the Queen, Amy, and even Michelle. But it was pretty obviousta everybody around him that he could certainly do with some added Comfort, at least when it came to his attraction and sex Life. Still, he was every bit as patient as Jadeite was, refusing to push the Guardian of Thunder and Courage beyond her Comfort zone before she was ready. Things seemed to be progressing well for all of them, and naught short of getting what they wanted could make them happier.

For anyone who's curious, here's a pic of Zoisite from both the manga and the anime remake.


Knight of Purity and Healing (manga version)

Knight of Purity and Healing (manga version)

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Knight of Purity and Healing (Sailor Moon Crystal version)

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