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Elise sighed and sat down at her normal lunch table, in her normal spot. Some people call her group of friends territorial, others call them OCD, just because they have order and specified seats. Elise thought about this as she watched her friends walk over slowly, each taking their spots at the grey cemented table. She took out her crinkled sack lunch when her friend, Alison, sat down across from her.
"Pizza, again," Elise said, looking at the meal Alyssa had eaten every day since seventh grade, which consisted of a slice of pepperoni pizza and a bottle of Propel, preferably berry.
"Hey, it's good for you. It has tomatoes and meat," she said and took a bite, among Elise laugh.
"Sure, Ally. Keep telling yourself that," Elise said sarcastically and rolled her eyes as two of their other friends, Sheena and Charles, sat down.
"I am hungry," Sheena whined and took Elise's small ziplock bag of Doritos. Elise just shrugged and took a bite of her sandwich.
"So you just let her take your food and I can't have any?!" Mark complain, who had been at the table before Elise had gotten their. Again, Elise just shrugged.
As usual, Charles sat there quietly, grinning evilly and laughing occasionally. Sometimes he would talk, but he was defiantly not the most talkative in the group.
At the other end of the table, the geekier part of the friend group, which consisted of Pedro, Jackson, and George, talked about some sort of video game. Elise and Jackson had just broken up, so it was slightly awkward.
"I was thinking, and remember how we all came up with a plan on how if we were a family, who would be what?" Sheena asked randomly.
Elise nodded and looked at Ally, Charles, and Mark, who looked curious and confused. "Yeah, why?" Elise asked and averted her attention back to Sheena.
Sheena shrugged and ate another Dorito. "I feel like something is going to happen, and that's what came to my head. I wished for my birthday that we would get that wish as a joke, but now it's kind of creeping me out."
"I wouldn't worry about it," Charles piped up, as usual, to say something semi-factual, "because stuff like that can't happen. There's not way we could magically go to another universe where we'd all be related."
Alyssa nodded and picked up her trash, throwing it in the nearby trash can. "I agree with him. Don't freak about it," she said as she sat back down.
Elise sighed and looked at her food. "It's kinda scaring me, too, but I want to agree with them, so I am," she said uncertainly.
Again, Sheena shrugged. "Okay. I just thought I'd share that weird piece of my brain," she said and grinned. "Now who wanted to play Blackjack?"
Little did they know of what would happen the next day.

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