3. Modfrogs are nicer?

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Maybe you could hide there?

Smarter choice for you. Forgetting to wash yourself here. But it wasn't night yet. Even though at night it could be saver here. You began to walk around the water. Your feet meeting the water at the edge. For a split second you smiled. This was peaceful. But God, it was such a long walk. And you had to turn your head every two seconds to make sure nothing was going to jump you and devour you. You didn't know your enemies, yet. But a feeling was telling you that would come soon. The first priority was a save place for now and food. You needed food and clean water stat.

The building was it not very far away now. And you decided to make a run for it. A pair of eyes borring right through you. Your back had hit the back wall of the building. Some shadow too. Perfect. You leaned back. You moved your legs up. Closed firmly. Rubbing the spot between your eyes. This was going to be a long day. Well maybe not. The sun was moving down.

"Burrow girl" a suddenly male voice said. Your hands slammed themselves against the brick wall. You looked up. Your red eyes meeting the eyes orange/yellow ones of a frog. A frog who had his arms crossed. He was in a black nice suit. With a black clean tie. He had a smile or girn on his face. Like he had been searching for you for years.

"Burrow girl" he repeated

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"Burrow girl" he repeated. You got up. Back stick stuck to the wall. You were slightly taller then him. His eyes scrolled to your chest. You let out a growl as you tried to cover yourself. He had a light dusty blush. "Were are your clothes?!' he said jumping a bit back. Bruh. Like he didn't just saw you sitting there a minute. "You found a burrow human!" Another frog said. Joining the party. Panic hit. This was probably a bad position for you to be in. This frog was smaller then the both of you. He was thinner and had red coloured eyes. "Uh- a naked one?" He said. Sweat forming as he took a step back. Clearly uncomfortable.

And if it couldn't be worse. Your sat back down. Placing your head on the top of your knees. Your bloody knees. Your dirty knees. Well almost everything was dirty now. You didn't had much energy left after running and walking what had seemed as miles.

"Call the boss and tell her we got a-" bussing sounds came from around the corner. Making you look up. Your tired but active eyes meeting new ones. This was a female frog. Her tie bright dark black. A blue tissue like on her chest next to her tie. Two fly's in a sort of nerd clothing carried her towards you. She got off them. "Boss-" the first frog said but a hand shushed him inmidely. "Stand up" she ordered. You did as told. Your hand in front of your crotch. Then a fly handed her glasses and she put them on as she used a pencil to open your mouth. Seeing your slightly sharper teeth. "Mh" she said as she grabbed your chin. Turning your head to the right and left.

"Skin affected by the sun" she said as she looked at your slightly inritated skin. You held your tongue.

"Interesting..." She muttered as she held your necklace in her hand. "This is not a burrow girl" the woman said. What was a burrow girl. Were you your last spices or anything?

"Girl, what happened to your clothes" she asked. Should you answer? "Bet someone knocked her out and robbed her from everything" the second frog noted. You were definitely going with that option. That would fit right into your story.

"Jamack give her your jacket" she said standing in front of you. "My what? But why" he said. Or well, Jamack as she called him. But did started to  unbuttoned his jacket. Leaving him in a white blouse. He threw it over you. "Tell me your name dear" you felt like she wouldn't say dear very much. "Y/n ma'am" you said as you quickly put the jacket around you.

Yes sirrrrrrr, I had this idea for weeks.
Word count 725

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