5. A night

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You moved to the old stairs. Challenge accepted.

You held the railing as you moved down. You needed to shower and eat something. Maybe that was in your new one night room? You hoped. But then remembering. You quickly run back to grab Jamack's jacket. Moving back down the stairs. There was a stair missing at some steps. Seeing right down. You were so focused on walking down. You bumped right into someone. You took a step back to rub your forehead. "Sorry" you said as you opened your eyes. "Not accepted" Jamack said. Oh you bumped into him. You felt so low leveled. Not because you didn't had much energy from today. But because they all acted like they were in charge.

You held out his jacket. He grabbed it with force. Geez this guy had problems. "Come" he said moving easily down the broken stairs. "To where?" You asked curiously. "To show you the showers" he said. Thank the heavens. "Nice" you said inmidely moving after him.

You went a few levels down. To the shower rooms. And they were all open. Zero privacy. But there was a woman and a male room. "One level lower will be the dinner" he said as he had his jacket now back on. "Thx" you said getting inside. There was nobody. Towels were in a closet just next to the door you went through. A few chair to place your clothes on it. Striping naked and hoping right into the showers. You had some trouble finding the right temperature. And then the door opened. Revealing a broad casted woman-frog. "Hello" she greeted. "Hi" you said back. Flustered at the awkwardness. You could hear her move. But you got distracted easily once you saw a soap bottle. "For body and hair" you read.

You began to wash your hair. The female frog turning on the shower next to you. Two naked ladies showering. Normal. "So you got knocked out huh?" She said. How did she know? Does it spread that fast?. "I think so, can't remember much" you said. Half lies. You didn't got knocked out. You woke up in a capsule. "What's your name?" You asked. "Kwat. Yours?" She asked. "Y/n" you said.

The remaining shower ended in a pleasure silence. Once done you quickly dried yourself off and put your clothes back on. But before you left. "Do you know where room 261 is?" You asked, throwing the towel into the basket. "I thought it was two down" she said. You nodded and smiled. "Thank you" you said closing the door behind you. "Took you long enough" the sudden voice said. Turning around andddddddd. Jamack. Was he ordered to stay with you or something?

"Didn't thought you would be waiting" you said moving past him. You had to move two down. "I would have been faster" you said. "Sure" he said walking next to you. "Two levels down right?" You asked. He pulled a questionable face. "For the one night my room for tonight?" You said. "Right" he said.

Once two levels lower the room was inmidely at your left. No locks. The door just opened. "Thank for the guiding" you said. "Whatever" he said. He moved closer to you. "But I know you're hiding something. And I will find it" he said. "Sure" you said using his word against himself.

He left and you closed the door behind you. Right food. Quickly looking through the hall as you ran down. Grabbing some fruits and bread before running back up into the room. Finally food. You pulled your shirt off as you opened the only window. Moving a chair in front of it.

Now sitting with eating some food. This was good. And tomorrow morning you'll be having a new adventure. Your eyes scrolled through the room. Simple and clean. Oh and. A white short with a white thank top was laying on the bed. Sleeping clothing? These guys must like you. Or they were just very good and being clean and decently.


You got into bed. The moon light shining through the window. And not much later you closed your eyes. Tomorrow you will go away. But the leader of the frogs in the back of your head. Why did she care. Why did she care about your condition? Well it was for once night. But you understand she had a reputation to keep up to. You sat up to scratch your back. It was itching. At both your shoulder blades. Probably nothing. You laid back down. Enjoying every minute until you had to get up.

Word count 773

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