4. The modfrog leader and her weakness

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"Y/n ma'am" you said as you quickly put the jacket around you.

You should stay sharp. Even though she was 'nice' to you. Doesn't mean she couldn't kill you. "Follow me" she said as the flies flew her back to where she came from. You were so confused. You stayed still. "We'll come on, I don't have all day" she said turning around.

 "We'll come on, I don't have all day" she said turning around

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You quickly speedwalked after her. The jacket was covering your front. But not your back. So your dusty butt just not covered. But you were happy that you now had something around you. Not shamed of being naked. No, it just felt nicer. But you couldn't help at Jamack. That was his name right? He was walking very close behind you. Why?

You were led inside the building. Many frogs in suits standing there. Oh that's why.

There was an elevator in the middle of the building. A broken stairs leading all the way around it up. The leader or boss stepped off the flies and got inside the elevator. She looked at you. Right! You quickly got inside too. Meeting the frogs eyes. Glaring at you. You let it go. It didn't bother you. If they wanted to look. Then they could look. It was quiet when the elevator moved up. It was a wonder. Since you noticed that not everything was in a good state.

You looked forward. Thinking if you looked at her she would feel offended. She was small- compared to you and Jamack. Wait you still had his jacket. Oh well. You had to return it later. The elevator stopped. It was an clothing department. The elevator doors closed behind the two of you. "Alright let's see" she said. Walking around to find your size. She wandered around the suits. Oh. You in a suit? Classy but not very handy to move it. Like running or climbing. Suddenly she moved your arms up. To measure. Your legs and back. "Hm" she said. Seeing your tattoo. But not making a comment about it. A shame because you still didn't knew it was there.

Then she wandered off. Leaving you alone for a bit. Perfect time for you to walk to the window. Seeing the view. It was quite beautiful. Your hand moved automatically to your necklace. Feeling the small dragon figure. You had to thank this woman so many times. It felt like she wasn't nice often. When she came back she had some clothes around her arm. Not a suit. "Let's see if this fits you" she said. You dropped the jacket and placed it on a chair. At first a bra, underwear and a tank top. A dark purple a like shirt. With a nice black pants. Black/ purple socks. And even shoes! They were cool. Dark grey and a sort smooth dark green. You were surprised she even had those clothes laying around. As you began putting the clothes on she sat down.

Was that sadness in her eyes? Once you had your clothing on you sat down next to her. Trying to tie your shoes. No succes though. She let out a groan. "Come here" she said. You held your foot just above her knee. But she pushed your leg down so it was resting on her knee. She began to tie your shoe. "Like this and then this" she said showing you. "Now you try" she said. You bowed down and tied your other shoe. "Like this?" You said. "Yes. And now the finishing touch" she said standing up and grabbing a dark brown belt. You stood up. Reaching for it but she moved it through your pants instead. You putting it through the right hole and back into your pants. Done.

"May I know your name?" You asked. She moved to the window. Her hands behind her back. "My name is Mrs. Sartori" she said. You nodded. Then moved next to her. "You can remain this night here. Room 261" she said.

"Thank you. I don't know how to repay your kindness" you said.

She let out a sigh. "I want you gone at the sunrise" she said before mowing inside the elevator. "Understood" you said as the door closed behind her. Room 261. This was going to be a search. You moved to the old stairs. Challenge accepted.

Word count 727

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