Walking through halls

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Jesse sat at his office, finalizing the draft for his plan. Essentially that day at the amusement park a month ago had sparked his idea.

He'd been lost in a crowd of students on a field trip. And that's when it hit him. The best way to get his idea across was to have a test run. He would pick a school in a rather neutral neighborhood in Hague. That way it wouldn't matter if the neighborhood was rich or not, the effects of education would be the same. There he'd implement his education plan for a semester and see how children adjusted, how they reacted, and that would then hopefully give him the evidence he needed to support his bill when it came to the vote next year. There was just no way he could accomplish this in a couple of months, and he didn't want to rush the plan.

Over the past four weeks he'd spent with Rob coming up with ways to make the plan work had been...magical. There was no other real way to say it. Rob didn't call him crazy, he didn't make him try to be realistic of the situation. He let Jesse run wild, and was there to just watch him, and add a point or boost Jesse's motivation.

And slowly Jesse felt his heart beat for politics as it once had. And nothing was more exhilarating than this...if you didn't count the ways he and Rob had sex of course. Those were EXHILARATING.


Jesse was familiar with sharing ideas with another person, especially someone so close to him, so this time he decided to tell his special person after he had a bit more of a plan.

He'd called Rob over. And while he waited for Rob Jetten to arrive Jesse Klaver, arranged the pillows on the couch, made two different kettles of tea, also made some coffee just in case. He'd selected a rather lounge playlist of music after an hour of contemplating if he should play music or not. He restocked his fridge incase Rob wanted to eat, and he had a bunch of pamphlets near by incase he needed to order something. Suffice to say he was completely ready, except for the fact that he wasn't ready to hear the rejection in Rob's voice.

The door bell rang and Jesse almost sprinted to the door.

"Hello Jesse" Rob smiled easily.

"Mr. Jetten hello!"

"And why are you being so formal— Mr. Klaver?"

"Jesse are you alright?" Rob took a step forward bringing his hand up.
Just as Jesse expected to feel the warmth of Rob's hand he saw Rob pull back.
Jesse looked into murky brown eyes and saw a hint of fear mixed in with concern.
Rob is afraid as well. And as funny as it sounds Jesse was able to calm down.

"Yes I am, there's nothing for you to worry about other than my sanity."

" I wasn't worried...okay maybe just a little. And I'll be the judge of your sanity."

"You're the only person I would trust it with" Jesse whispered in Rob's ear before he planted a gentle kiss on his jaw.

Once they'd made themselves comfortable in Jesse's living room. Jesse held Robs hand in his.

"Do you want tea?"

"No thank you."

"What about coffee?"

"I'm alright."


"Maybe in a little while."

"I can order it or I can make something. There's also the possibility we eat out. Or we don't have to do any of that. I didn't really know what you wanted to I prepared for every—"

"Jesse, love, calm down it's okay. Just tell me what you wanted to say."

Jesse took in a deep breath. And rambled out his idea: "I really wanted to update the education curriculum so I thought to convince more representatives of the change. I know many are for it, it just takes a lot of work, and sticking to older ideas is easier than changing. But this country needs change, children are the future and they need to be equipped with materials that will help them. We need to help them."

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