03- first day

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You stared at yourself in the mirror, you wore the UA uniform and a nice red tie that Aizawa helped you put on. Your hair was styled the way you always wore it and the school blazer was smooth with no wrinkles.

"(Y/N)!" You heard Aizawa yell from downstairs. "Are you ready to go? There's breakfast if you want any."

"Yes I'm ready!" You quickly made your way down stairs at the mention of food.

You and Aizawa were on the way to UA, of course you were excited to meet new people and learn more about this planet. However, Aizawa mentioned that everyone in class 1-A was inspiring to become a hero, you didn't really get it. Was there a lot of bad people on this planet? You didn't care about becoming a hero really.

"Here's your schedule." Aizawa handed you a paper that had your new classes on them. "Follow me, you'll meet the class that you disrupted yesterday."

You pursed your lips, "How embarrassing, I'll have to apologize..."

"Sure, just come with with me."


"No way, it's the hot alien chick!" Mineta drooled looking at you, to which you visibly cringed ignoring his gaze.

"Introduce yourself (Y/N)." Aizawa sighed.

You cleared your throat and adjusted your tie as you stood in front of class 1-A, "Good morning! My name is (Y/N), I like to eat Mr. Aizawa's ramen, I ate seven bowls of it yesterday! I will also like to say I am sorry for crashing into your training grounds, which ruined your first day of UA."

Silence filled the room, some students looked at you with confused glances or ones that were interested.

Midoriya raised his hand, a small blush on his face. "Do you have a last name?" He asked.

A last name?

"I only go by (Y/N)." You clarified. "I know people here have two names, but it doesn't matter what you call me."

"Whoa! Is it true you're an alien?"

Your eyes landed on a girl with pink hair and skin. "Are you also an alien?" You gasped taking in her appearance.

"Something like that." She smirked. "My name's Mina Ashido!"

"What's your quirk?" Kirishima asked.

"Quirk?" You snapped your fingers, "Ah, you mean my powers. I guess flight and-"


"Yes?" You looked at a blonde boy with beautiful vermilion eyes. However, that thought was short-lived when you saw his pissed off face.

"Don't go thinking you're better than me just because you got in to UA on your first day. I don't care about what shitty quirk you have, but it'll never beat mine. I'm the best in this class." He scoffed. You were taken by surprise by his attitude.

You looked towards Aizawa who was alseep in a some yellow bag, then to the spiked blonde boy who was still glaring at you.

"You're the best in this class?" You questioned him.

Bakugo slammed his fist on his desk, "Yeah, I'll beat anyone who gets in my way of becoming number one."

"Bakugo leave the new girl alone." Kaminari sweat dropped.

"YOU LEAVE ME ALONE!" The blonde yelled.

You made your way to him, standing in front of Bakugo's desk."Do you want to fight me?" Seeing his angry eyes glare at you was quite entertaining, you towered over him as he was still sitting, you leaned down to whisper in his ear, "I'll squash you."


Class 1-A shared looks watching everything unfold.

Iida rushed to your side and grabbed your shoulders pushing you towards the opposite side of the classroom, "Forgive me for this (Y/N), but I think it's time you take your seat!"

You laughed letting the boy guide you to your new desk, as three boys tried to hold the angry blonde down, this class was going to be fun.


"I honestly thought (Y/N) was going to kiss Bakugo." Kirishima laughed looking your way.

"PFFT!" Mina laughed. "Look at his face! It's so red!"


It was lunch time, as you sat down eating your third tray of school lunch, Mina started reminiscing about your arrival. You were sat down with the pink girl and her friends, which just happened to be the blonde you riled up earlier.

Bakugo wasn't speaking to you, he didn't even bother to glance at your direction.

Kaminari laughed sitting next to you. "Hey, if you need to learn french I'm your guy." He smirked.

"Yuck! Leave her alone Kaminari." Mina turned to you. "Hey, you didn't end up telling us what your quirk was!"

"Well I can fly and shoot blasts of energy from my hands and eyes!"  You answered eating your food.

"Your eyes are really pretty (Y/N)." Kaminari got too close and personal for your liking, examining your green eyes.

You planted your whole hand on his face to push him away, "Yeah, thanks."

"Well I can shoot acid!" Mina exclaimed.

"My quirk is electrification." Kaminari lifted his pointer finger up and small emits of electricity started to spark around his finger tip. "Say your quirk Bakugo!"

The blonde grunted, "How about I explode your face instead."

"So violent!"

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