22- sassy men apocalypse

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"I feel like a spy with all these disguises." You said adjusting your sunglasses. You wore a frilly dress as well, opposite of your regular attire.

"Say that louder (Y/N)." Aizawa sighed taking a sip of his drink. "I'm only allowing this because there hasn't been any signs of your sister lately."

"Good." You said, "Hopefully she got bored of waiting and is galaxies away."

You had been begging Aizawa through messages for him to convince authorities to let you go on an outing that didn't include school.

After days of staying in the tiny safe house you could feel yourself getting depressed again.

Currently, you were both at small pizza place downtown.

You picked up a pizza slice from the table and watched how the strings of cheese stretched as you brought it up higher. "One more box please Aizawa..."

"Only because you ate most of this box, you only let me have one slice."

"I don't think I'll ever get over the food here." You took a bite of your pizza and your eyes lit up, "I can't wait for dessert."

"So I assume there's something you wanted to speak to me about (Y/N)?" Aizawa asked.

You chewed your food and sheepishly apologized, finally done, you cleared your throat. "It has come to my attention that class 1-A is going on a training camp session thing."


"I want to go." You clamped your hands together squeezing your eyes shut, "Please, please let me go."


You looked up at the man, "Huh, why not?" You could feel your eyes tear up. "WHAT IF I DIE!"

"Keep your voice down." Aizawa looked around apologizing for your outburst. "You're not going to die if you don't go."

"I might...and isn't the camp at some remote place in the woods lead by heroes? No one else would know."

Aizawa wasn't even hungry anymore. How did you manage to take away his appetite?

He thought for a moment. You were right, the camp was going to be in an isolated place in the woods with no one else but class 1-A and a few pro heroes. Plus you didn't have class that week.

"Ugh, fine." Aizawa rolled his eyes.

"Don't you roll your eyes at me." You scoffed.

"Excuse me?"

"You are excused."


"No way!" You jumped into Mina's arms after driving back to the safe house with Aizawa and were surprised to see a few of your classmates there. "What are you guys doing here?"

You were greeted by Mina, Bakugo, Kirishima, Kaminari, Sero, Jirou, Midoriya, and Urarake.


You went around hugging your classmates and then you finally got to Bakugo. Expecting a hug as well, the blonde left his arms open for you to initiate the hug. But you just ruffled his hair, "I missed you all so much."

Bakugo's mouth was left open in shock. "Huh?"

You then ran back to Mina, you both squealed holding each others hands, "This was all Mr. Aizawa's idea!" The pink girl said.

You looked back at the grumpy man, "Thank you Aizawa!"

"So what did he say about letting you go to the camp (Y/N)?" Midoriya asked excitedly.

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