09- mario kart after dinner

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Season 6 Deku is making me sad💔😭

"You should've ripped his head off." Bakugo said walking beside you with his hands in his pockets.

You gripped at the sleeve of your backpack, "I'm pretty sure I'm under surveillance, which is weird because how are they doing that?" You asked yourself looking around to see if anyone looked suspicious.

"They're probably using cameras or something." The boy shrugged.

You sighed, "I can't give this school anymore reasons to not have some trust in me."


"Ready to go? Let's get you ready for your dinner da—dinner, your dinner." Mina sweat dropped dragging you by the hand.

School had ended for the day, it was the usual. Your pink friend made it her mission to style you, she seemed to know what she was doing by the way she talked about clothes. You didn't understand some words like 'romper' and 'high waisted denim', but you didn't bother to ask, Mina seemed really into it though.

"So what I have in mind for you is a cute dress and a layered necklace. Accessories are a must!" She exclaimed intertwining her hands together. "What do you think?" Mina look towards you with gleaming eyes, her happiness is radiating it made you smile.

"That sounds great, thanks again for doing this for me Mina."

"No problem (Y/N)!"


Mina had shown you to multiple stores, you counted five but there was probably more, however, you never stayed in them for too long. Just walking in and inspecting the clothes until she showed you to the next store. Mina did manage to find a dress that suited you, it complimented you so well she almost teared up.

Now you were finally in your house getting ready, the talking coming from your tv was accompanying Mina's hums, "So you and Bakugo huh?" She said with a teasing tone while you glossed your lips. She laid on her side on your bed, a smile evident on her face.

"I'm obvious aren't I?" You put the gloss down and turned to the pink girl.

"Yup." Mina sat up crossing her legs. "So do you like him?" She asked.

"No!" You answered right away. "His mom just invited me over, there's nothing else to it Mina."

"Oh (Y/N), my sweet little naive (Y/N)." She shook her head.


"Meeting his parents is only the first step, and before you know it, his parents are at your wedding."

"MINA!" You crossed your arms, "You're thinking too much about it and I'm the one going. Besides, Bakugo doesn't seem like the type to settle down with someone."

"True, but you'll never know." Mina replied. "Now let's get you going."

"Our top story today, a meteor hits west Japan."

You immediately froze. "Huh, Mina turn that up."

"Sure thing."

"Sources say an empty meteor was found by hikers after it crashed into a forest. Investigators haven't found any hints that anything came out of it. Join us later tonight as we cover this story."

"(Y/N)...do you think that it's someone else from your planet?" Mina slowly put the remote down turning her head to you.

"It can't be just a coincidence, maybe?" You shrugged, starting to wonder if it was someone from Tameran.

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